As far as open-world games go, the Horizon titles have to be some of the best. The environments created by the team at Guerrilla are breathtaking, and Aloy’s abilities make traversing those environments even better. Here is how R3 helps with that in Forbidden West.

Pressing R3 will activate Pulse Mode. This is where the game will point out climbable areas in Aloy’s immediate vicinity by placing a Yellow X on single surfaces and a glowing line on ledges. This will disappear over time.

It will also on higher difficulties highlight all lootable objects in the pulses vicinity. But the highlight will disappear after a set period of time, and you will have to pulse again. Yet this option can be changed in the settings so the markers stay on at all times, with no need of continously pressing R3.

Pre-determined walkways aren’t always the easiest route to take within Horizon, and so sometimes it is best to go up and over.

In cases where you come across a field full of machines that are noticeably more powerful than you when you are at a low level, for instance, it is a good idea to scope out another way to get past them. Using the climbing surfaces that surround Aloy can be a great way to get by undetected and unscathed.

The way that Aloy moves around in this game is well thought out and very satisfying. Her movements come off as fluid, which means it quickly feels natural to start looking for paths that you can take to get to your destination, which may not be at ground level.

Looking for more help? Why not check out How to heal in Horizon Forbidden West?