Karma is a hidden stat in Bitlife that only becomes revealed when a character dies under their happiness level, but what does it mean?

What does Karma do in Bitlife and How to Raise it

Karma is a stat that can increase and decrease based on the actions you do in the game, whereas bad actions will lower it, and good actions will raise it. 

Along with this, your karma level will also help you live longer and get through bad events such as becoming sick. Having a high karma level will also be extremely useful if you are trying to complete some of the age achievements that require you to live a long life. 

Here is a list of the types of actions that can lower and raise your karma in Bitlife. 

Actions that will Increase Karma in Bitlife

In general, being a nice person and choosing the best and nicest options in the various events in Bitlife is enough to keep high karma, but here are some examples of actions you should do to keep your karma high.

  • Serving in your nation’s Military. Saving the lives of characters. Helping people, friends, and love ones. Donating heirlooms. Apologizing when you wrong someone. Giving gifts to people. Helping the homeless. Complimenting People. Mind and Body Activities. Calling the Police when you see a crime. This also includes when you see friends breaking the law.

Actions that will Decrease Karma in Bitlife

In short, any action that can be considered bad will lower your karma in Bitlife, so here are some examples of the actions you should avoid to keep your karma high. 

  • This also includes when you see friends breaking the law.

  • Insulting and arguing with people. Committing assault. Committing crimes and getting sent to jail. Skipping funerals Not saving lives in events. Cheating on lovers. Taking drugs. Knowingly passing an STD on to someone.

For more on Bitlife, we at PGG have you covered with a ton of fantastic guides such as How to get a corporate Job in Bitlife and How to get looks up in Bitlife Guide.