When adventuring in the deep underground caves, you might stumble upon yellowish fungus. This object is called floor fungus, and it can actually be used to expand your dwarves’ productivity. Continue reading this guide to learn the answer to the question, what does floor fungus do in Dwarf Fortress?

Floor Fungus in Dwarf Fortress – Explained

Floor fungus is an extremely harmless and useful object, so you do not need to worry if you see them show up! Floor fungus works just like grass or cave moss. It can be used as a food source for grazers or herbivore animals. However, do note that they tend to grow a bit too slowly for larger grazers to feed on.

It only grows in caverns, and you can easily recognize floor fungus because it looks like cave moss but is more yellowish in color. Usually, breaching a cavern wall will allow the fungus to start growing on the underground soil.

To make use of floor fungus in Dwarf Fortress, it is highly recommended for you to construct a Pasture. To accomplish this, press the i key to dig a space and make the area as a Zone. Then, simply go to the Zone menu and look for the Pen/Pasture option. It has a horse icon and shouldn’t be too hard to find. Now to let the herbivore animals graze in your Pastures, assign the animals by bringing up the Zone menu, selecting the placed Pasture, opening the Info tabs, and clicking the rabbit icon. There you can easily add or remove grazers from a Pasture.

Of course, once you have a bunch of grazers as livestock, don’t forget to butcher them in order to collect meat and other organs for your dwarves to eat and use to craft various items.

Dwarf Fortress is now available on PC via Steam and itch.io.