Battle Rage is a Field Upgrade in Modern Warfare 2 that enhances the combat performance of those who prefer to aggressively pursue enemies on the battlefield. When dealing with multiple targets or facing opponents who refuse to leave their cover, rushing headfirst into the fray usually results in a quick death for the assailant. However, with Battle Rage, players gain resistance and HP sustainment, enabling them to push through an enemy’s defenses and achieve multiple eliminations. Of course, skill does play a significant role when using this Field Upgrade, but it is undoubtedly an excellent tool for enabling confident combatants to be more assertive in battle. 

How Does the Battle Rage Field Upgrade Work in Modern Warfare 2

When Battle Rage is equipped as a Field Upgrade in Modern Warfare 2, players can activate this item to trigger a brief adrenaline rush that bolsters HP regeneration, increases resistance to Tactical Equipment, and temporarily enables infinite Tactical Sprint. Accordingly, players will be momentarily able to sustain a massive amount of damage while speeding past enemy lines and getting kills.

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Based on gameplay footage provided by YouTuber James Mayers Bellotti, Battle Rage appears to last for about 20-25 seconds, granting players enough time to make one headlong sprint into danger in an attempt to achieve as many kills as possible. Flash Grenades or Stun Grenades will not bother an enraged player, as their resistance to Tacticals will be enhanced from the Field Upgrade. While users will be able to receive significantly more damage than normal during their enraged state, it does not make them invulnerable, as those who take enough damage will eventually fall. 

One of the most important strategies to keep in mind when using the Battle Rage Field Upgrade in Modern Warfare 2 is to have a predetermined path where the assault will occur. In other words, the most efficient way to utilize their enhanced state is by knowing exactly where they will enter an area and where they will exit. Those who thoughtlessly charge into battle might get a kill or two but will quickly become a pincushion for enemy fire. Therefore, having map knowledge and awareness for pathing when Battle Rage has been activated is the key to successfully using this Field Upgrade.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.

Source: YouTube/James Mayers Bellotti