If you are still learning the ropes in Dislyte or otherwise figuring out how the gameplay works on a deeper level, Starimon and Esper promotion can be downright baffling. The good thing is, it’s really just a matter of knowing what role each plays with the other. Once you know that, you’ll be a Dislyte champion in no time.

What do you need Starimon for in Dislyte?

Starimon are an essential asset that you will need continuously while playing Dislyte. They are used for the promotion of Espers by upgrading an Esper’s star value. Raising the star value of Espers augments their base statistics and even the level cap of the Hero within the Advancement tab. They can be very useful once you have leveled up your Hero to their current max point, meaning they need Starimon to raise their max level.

How do you get Starimon in Dislyte?

There are many different ways you can find and collect Starimon. Once you have gotten a bit further in the game, make sure to take advantage of quests and bounties to collect Starimon. You can also find them for purchase within Tournament Shops and Cube Shops. It may be trickier to get Starimon towards the start of the game, so don’t stress too much early on.

Want to read more about Dislyte? If so, head on over to How to level up your characters quickly in Dislyte on Pro Game Guides.