Sheep have been in Minecraft since the beginning days of the game, being your method of gathering Wool to craft a Bed and sleep through the night safely. This is a much faster and safer way of gathering wool as opposed to collecting String from Spiders. That being said, if you go wandering around for Sheep, you may have issues finding them depending on the biome you are in. Instead, it’s often better to gather some and feed them to make them breed. If you are looking to breed Sheep or keep them alive, here is what they eat in Minecraft.

What can you feed Sheep in Minecraft?

While you may see Sheep lower themselves to the ground and eat the grass on top of Dirt blocks, you can not feed them grass yourself. Instead, you will need to either gather or grow Wheat and use that to feed them to refill their health or have them breed. Wheat can be found in gardens located in villages, or you can grow it by getting Seeds from breaking tall grass and planting them on soil tilled by a Hoe. Place water blocks nearby to have it grow faster.

When you have the Wheat in hand, any nearby Sheep will follow you unless you put it away or get far enough away from them. Interact with them, and they will eat the Wheat. If hearts start flying from them, they are ready to breed and will search for another Sheep in love mode to make a baby Sheep.

If you feed multiple Wheat to a baby Sheep, it will grow to adulthood faster denoted by the green sparkles coming from them. You cannot gather Wool or Mutton from young Sheep, so be sure to wait to slay them or use Sheers on them when they are fully grown. If you are killing them for the items, make sure at least two survive to keep feeding them and build up your Sheep numbers again.