Vampire The Masquerade: Swansong allows players to take control of three unique Vampires. Each aims to investigate and uncover information that could prove lethal to The Masquerade. Because this problem is multifaceted, you’ll need characters with various abilities to tackle different problems, so you’ll want to take a look at different Character Profiles.

What are Character Profiles in Vampire The Masquerade: Swansong?

Character Profiles set starting Skill Points for characters in Swansong, helping users get a solid start in upgrades for each character. Depending on which character you’re using in Swansong, you’ll want to implement a different Character Profile. We’ve listed the best Character Profiles for each of the playable characters in Vampire The Masquerade: Swansong below:

Emem Character Profile

  • Jack of All TradesA balanced distribution of points in each Skill tree provides a balanced skillset for Emem. While Emem won’t be the best at any one type of interaction, she’ll have several distinct options while playing.

Leysha Character Profile

  • InvestigatorThe Investigator tree focuses on Knowledge skills and subterfuge, allowing players to take information easily. As the most discreet member of the Masquerade, the Investigator tree works best for Leysha, who excels at uncovering information and manipulating her prey to get answers.

Galeb Character Profile

  • VeteranProfile that focuses on Dialog skills and Physical Attributes. Allows players to use the character’s aura in conversations. Perfect for Galeb, who works as an enforcer among The Masquerade, using brute force when necessary and intimidation when prompted.

For more on Vampire: The Masquerade: Swansong, visit some of our other articles on Pro Game Guides, like How to lower Suspicion in Vampire The Masquerade: Swansong.