The storyline for Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 revolves around the ongoing war between the Resistance and the Imagined Order. These two factions are fighting for control of the map. These red and blue lines denote which faction controls which area. The red lines on the map show the areas controlled by the IO, while the blue lines on the Fortnite map show the resistance-controlled areas. Both these areas have a different set of loot to offer.

Since you’re fighting on the side of the Resistance, these blue areas will be friendlier towards you. The red areas, on the other hand, will have more IO presence and will be hostile towards you. Here’s what you can find in these areas.

  • Red Zones (IO Territory): IO Blimps, IO Titan Tanks, IO Guards, Siege CannonsBlue Zones (Resistance Territory):  Armored Battle Bus, Sentry Guards, Turrets, Combat SMG, Striker Burst rifle.

It’s not that you won’t find any weapons in the red areas. Random floor loot still drops all over the map. You can still get your hands on the Striker Burst rifle and the Combat SMG in IO-controlled areas. The IO Titan Tanks, on the other hand, won’t be available in the blue areas unless another player drove it there.

Now, that you know what these red and blue lines are on the Fortnite map, feel free to check out All Milestones in Fortnite Chapter 3 Season 2 and more, on Pro Game Guides.