When Overwatch 2 was released, a few big changes were made, including changes to the currency system in the game. As loads of players from Overwatch transfer over to Overwatch 2, there’s one big question that pops up. Loads of people want to know what happens to their Overwatch credits when they switch to Overwatch 2. In Overwatch 2, you have coins as the main currency, but you might notice that there is another type of currency called Legacy Credits. These are all credits that have transferred over to Overwatch 2 with you. Keep reading to learn more about Legacy Credits in Overwatch 2.

What are Legacy Credits in Overwatch 2?

When you switch over to Overwatch 2, all of your credits from Overwatch transfer with you in the form of Overwatch 2‘s Legacy Credits. Legacy Credits are an entirely new thing that was introduced with the release of Overwatch‘s sequel. They allow you to keep your credits from the new game’s predecessor and still purchase older skins and cosmetics.

Overwatch 2: How to Get Overwatch Coins

How to Use Legacy Credits in Overwatch 2

You can see your Legacy Credit balance at the top of your screen next to Overwatch 2‘s other currency, coins. Using Legacy coins is pretty simple, though. All you have to do is navigate to the “Heroes” tab in your game and select the one you want to purchase a skin for. From there, you can look through each character and see all the skins and cosmetics available for purchase. Though, it would help if you kept in mind that not all cosmetics can be purchased with Legacy Credits. Some of them can only be purchased with the new Overwatch 2 Coins.

More specifically, only the older cosmetics can be purchased with Legacy Credits. Any new skins or new character cosmetics must be purchased with Overwatch 2 Coins. Though if you have enough Legacy Credits by the time you switch over to Overwatch 2, you can get loads of cosmetics without having to buy Overwatch Coins!

Change isn’t always bad; in this case, Overwatch 2 is handling the switchover from the first game in a great way. Being able to still use Legacy Credits in place of your Overwatch Credits saved a lot of players from losing their previously purchased Overwatch currency! Check out the shop and see what you can purchase with your Legacy Credits! And be sure to check back for more guides on Overwatch 2!