Job packs are a new type of DLC recently introduced to BitLife. Job Packs add new content such as activities, challenges, and new Special Career jobs. Job Packs get added occasionally and can be found under Job Packs in the Main Menu in BitLife. You can also view all future Job Packs under the Job Pack tab in BitLife. 

Are Job Packs Worth it in BitLife?

If you are wondering if Job Packs are worth it in BitLife, the answer is yes. In short, Job Pack DLCs add a lot of new content that expands the game with new Special Careers and activities. However, Job Packs are only worth it via the Boss Mode add-on. This is because Job Packs bought separately will set you back $2, and you will need to pay another $2 again to get another Job Pack

You also only get one job per Job Pack, so paying $2 every time for one job doesn’t seem worth it. But, if you buy the Boss Mode add-on, you will gain access to all future Job Packs added to the game. Boss Mode also costs $4.99, which is a better deal that makes Job Packs worth it, as you are gaining the most content without having to pay multiple times.

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