There are multiple Ghost-type Pokémon through the Paldea region, and you can expect to battle against a lot of them in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. Ghost-types can be challenging to battle against because they only have a handful of weaknesses, but knowing what those are can prepare you to achieve victory against them. Here’s what you need to know about Ghost-type weaknesses in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

All Ghost-type weaknesses in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet

A standard Ghost-type is only weak against two types of Pokémon moves: other Ghost-types, and Dark-types. These are the best options against a Ghost-type in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet. A Pokémon does not need to be a Ghost or a Dark-type to use them. You should be able to see what type of attacks your Pokémon has when you click the summary and look through their moves.

When battling against Ghost-types, it’s important to note that they are immune to Normal and Fighting-type attacks and can resist Poison and Bug-type moves. You want to avoid using any Normal or Fighting-type attack against them as it doesn’t harm them at all, and they take half damage from any Poison or Bug-type moves.

Ghost-type Pokémon frequently appear in the Paldea region, so having a team that can counter them will be a good choice. If you’re feeling risky, another Ghost-type Pokémon are perfect to take them down, but they also have the same strengths and weaknesses, so a Dark-type might be better suited for you. Pokémon that are resistant to Ghost-type attacks are only going to be Dark-type Pokémon, so these will remain to be your best option when attempting to battle any Ghost-type Pokémon or a Pokémon that frequently uses Ghost-type moves in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.