Adventure Books, also known in their collective form as the Adventurer’s Tome, are a series of documentary collectibles that Lost Ark players can contribute toward, through exploration and completion. Divided into books for areas of each in-game continent, completing each book rewards the player with consumables, collectibles, and Ignea Tokens as they progressively discover more items and enemies.

An Adventure Book is divided into 10 subcategories that vary depending on the type of contributions that a player can give. Each book will be automatically filled out whenever the player accomplishes something in a new area.

Main Quest

This category is filed once the player completes the final main story quest in a given continent. Common hallmarks of the main story’s completion often include encouragement by NPCs or quests to progress to the next continent.


Items of this list are occasionally dropped by standard enemies of a given area, and serve no purpose beyond right clicking to add them to the Adventure Book. These items, indicated with a notepad symbol at the bottom right of their inventory icons, drop with varying rarity and often must be added multiple times each to fully complete the collectible category.


Local restaurants and chefs will sell the player regional cuisine from each continent. Players must purchase one of each dish in order to fully document this category of each Adventure Book.


In picturesque spots of each map location, players can find vista points, indicated by a telescope icon, from which they can look out over the landscape. They must interact with every vista point in a region for the sake of Adventure Book completion.


Successfully clearing each dungeon in a region on every available difficulty will contribute to Adventure Book progress. For example, completions on both normal and hard are tracked separately, and both must be completed individually to fully contribute to an Adventure Book’s completion percentage.


Standard monsters have a rare chance to spawn with a golden crest floating above their heads. These monsters, when defeated, will contribute somewhat to their region’s respective Adventure Book. However, the player must defeat at least one of every enemy type with this effect to complete the category, requiring a decent bit of luck in getting all of them to individually spawn.


Players must defeat every field boss in a region at least once to complete its Adventure Book. Fighting these field bosses requires item levels that are often higher than the player can obtain during their first journey through the region, requiring players to return later in order to complete this category.

Another Story

Each region features two side quests, indicated with golden exclamation points on mini-maps, whose completion will contribute to their region’s Adventure Book. As long as players pursue every quest marker in the area for the sake of their rewards, completion of this category shouldn’t normally be a problem for most players.

Hidden Story

There exist a handful of unmarked quests hidden in each region that can be started and completed by inspecting contextual locations. Each of these quests must be completed for the sake of full Adventure Book progress, but their incomplete book entries will provide players with clues to their locations.


Full completion of every Rapport relationship in an area is required for players to fully fill out that area’s Adventure Book. As fully establishing all of these NPC relationships can grow to become a long-term, daily process, players should decide which continent’s rewards are most worth pursuing before working fully through its rapport.


This category is often the easiest for players to complete, requiring that they unlock every Triport in a particular Adventure Book’s region. As most players tend to reflexively activate every Triport they come across during their travels, this section of an Adventure Book is often done without the player’s knowledge.