NACON and Cyanide have just released a brand new cinematic trailer for Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood that showcases the depth and complexity of the main character’s story. The trailer also introduces players into the highly intriguing world of Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood, and highlights the aggressive exploitation of nature done by humans in the world of Gaia.

The story revolves around a man called Cahal, who has only one goal, and that is to rescue his daughter. But to accomplish his quest, he must face a deadly and evil corporation called Endron, a petroleum subsidiary of the megacorp Pentex that is poisoning the world. However, Cahal is no ordinary man and is actually what is called a Garou, which is pretty much a being that can transform into a werewolf. 

Also, since he is a Garou, he can see what normal humans can’t see or expose, thus he sees the truth behind the corrupt nature of Pentex and its devastating operations. So throughout the game, you will use Cahal’s werewolf and other abilities to stop this evil corporation from corrupting Gaia, Mother Earth. 

Release The Rage: About The Game

Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood is a first-person action RPG that was adapted from the eponymous horror franchise. The game is Mature, brutal, and complex and invites players to step into the shoes of Cahal and experience his bloody quest for redemption. In the end, the player through Cahal will play an essential role in the great war against Pentex to stop them from destroying Mother Earth.

Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood, if you didn’t know, is also apart of The World of Darkness transmedia that encompasses a wide number of fantasy horror franchises such as Vampire: The Masquerade and Hunter: The Reckoning. Through countless tabletop roleplaying games, video games, board games, literature, comic books, and more, The World of Darkness brand has managed to tell mature stories in a dark supernatural fantasy layered over a modern setting Since 1991. For more information, I recommend checking out the link here at World of Darkness for their official website.