Back in 2018, we saw a Japanese engineer build a giant 8.5-meter-tall robot inspired by his favorite anime show, “Mobile Suit Gundam”. Now, Japan has another Gundam robot that is even bigger and taller than the previous model and it has started walking around now.

Now, since the start of its construction back in January, there has been a lot of setbacks in the development of this giant robot due to the ongoing pandemic. However, the team of workers continued to build the robot, and now, according to a video by a Twitter user, it seems like the “Giant Gundam Yokohama” is ready to wreak havoc in the country.

実物大ガンダムを動かすプロジェクト「ガンダム GLOBAL CHALLENGE」・2歩踏み出す・しゃがんで立膝・立ち上がる・右手を突き上げ、人差し指・しゃがんで立膝・バックステップでドックへ戻る・手首の回転の指の可動以前と違い、今回は爪先の動作まで確認できる位置より(速度加工済み)#GFY

In the video, we can see that the robot moving its legs to come forward, kneel down on one knee, raise its hands with one finger pointing upwards, and then going back to its previous position. Fans of the anime series have been quite excited about seeing this robot in real life when the Gundam theme park opens up to the public later this year.