Swap to the right person for the task at hand.

In Watch Dogs: Legion you can play as damn near anyone you encounter, so long as you recruit them as operatives, and you can change who you’re playing as at almost any time. There are a couple of rules in place, but by and large you are free to swap around operatives as you see fit.

Change operatives in Watch Dogs: Legion by visiting the Team tab in the game menu.

If you need to change operatives in Watch Dogs: Legion you can do so via the Team tab within the game menu. Hitting Tab/Select will bring up the game menu, and you can use either the bumpers (on controller) or the Q and E keys (on PC) to cycle to Team. PC players can also jump straight to the Team menu by tapping P, because we have all the hotkeys.

From here just select the operative you want to change to in Watch Dogs: Legion, then tap X/Square on controller, or G on the keyboard. You’ll swap out your previous operative for your new one at your current location, and be free to carry on your merry way. There are a couple of limitations that you should keep in mind, however.

First, any operative in the hospital or in jail cannot be selected. They will blacked-out and have a timer under their portrait indicating how long they will be inaccessible in real time. You can recruit lawyers, cops, doctors, and paramedics to your operative roster to reduce these cooldowns, and you don’t even need to actively play as them to reap the benefit. Second, whenever you are in a restricted area you will be unable to change operatives, so be sure you have the right person for the job before entering. Finally, when you are being chased by Albion and the cops you will be unable to change operatives until you fully evade them, so keep an eye on the heat meter above your minimap.

  • This article was updated on October 28th, 2020

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Watch Dogs: Legion – How to Change Operatives

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