Ever since the availability of crossplay was introduced into Apex Legends, the topic of aim-assist and its power has been debated at all levels of play. While the debate continues to happen, it seems that Respawn is aware of the communities reaction to console aim-assist, and the company may have implemented a slight change in Season 12: Defiance. While it isn’t entirely confirmed, certain controller players might feel a difference in aim-assist effectiveness.

Mixed messages

We have expected changes to aim-assist to come for a while, but it needs to be done right to keep the community happy. While aim-assist isn’t necessarily a problem for console-only lobbies, there can be complaints made by both PC and console players while playing in cross-play lobbies. This is where the balance has been made in an attempt to keep both PC and console players in a happy and fair state. When Respawn mentioned that it will be adjusting aim-assist values, the studio was specific about keeping the game playable for console players.

As of now, there isn’t any direct confirmation from official Respawn patch notes that aim-assist has been nerfed. That being said, players on both console and PC inputs are running tests to see if the values have changed at all.

A specific nerf

Players seem to be discovering the aim-assist changes that Respawn mentioned before releasing Season 12: Defiance might be in the game. While there has been no visible or direct change in console-only lobbies, it does seem that aim-assist values have been tuned down slightly in PC lobbies with console players in them. While nothing is official, this change seems to have been made to even out the aiming curve that is present at competitive levels of Apex Legends.

If you are worried about the adjusted aim-assist values on consoles, it might be worth turning crossplay off and playing with just other console players until an official statement by Respawn is released regarding the changes.