Listing every frame that has been forged by the Orokin gold thus far.

We have come a long way since the release of the very first primed Warframe. Now with the game being nearly 10 years old at this point in time, we wonder, when did each Prime come out? What is the release order of each Prime Warframe? Here is a timeline showing when each one was released from launch until now.

Warframe Prime Release Order

While these Warframes are all currently available to some extent with the exception of Excalibur Prime, you won’t miss out too much when it comes to finding a power disparity between base form and Prime. However, they do come with more mastery points and more polarities right from the get-go, needing less forma.

Looking back at the order release of frames, you can gather that Prime frames are released 3 or 4 times a year, depending on the workload and other factors that impact Digital Extremes. Given that the release of the frames doesn’t match up in order, these can be subject to change. Finally, it should be noted that Prime releases are in a 2-female, 2-male order.

Warframe is free to play on PlayStation 4 and 5, Xbox One and Series consoles, and PC.

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Warframe Prime Release Order: All Primed Frames From Launch to Now

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