Nightwave Intermission is how Digital Extremes wants us to occupy ourselves while we wait for Nightwave Series 2 in Warframe. Nightwave is their replacement for the old Alert system, but with a bigger than expected gap between Series 1 and Series 2, something needed to fill the void. Nightwave Intermission is that thing, and it will give you a chance at earning some new loot while you wait for the next Series.

Nightwave Intermission Guide

To check out the details of Nightwave Intermission, log in to the game, then go to the Navigation screen. Your Resource Drones button might be replaced with a new button, so click that and you should see the Nightwave button appear. Click on that, just like the last series, to get a look at what Nora Night is offering this time out.

As always, there are daily and weekly missions that you can do to earning Standing with Nora, and as you rank up, you will unlock different rewards. The final reward this time is the Eidolon Ephemera, which will add an interesting energy effect to your steps as you walk around.

You can also use the Nightwave Intermission to get your hands on another Aura Forma, something a lot of Tenno are eager to get more of. You can also use Nora Credits to pick from a range of cosmetic options and in-game items, so if you have been waiting to get your hands on more Nitain Extract, now is the time to put the work in.

At the moment we are not quite sure when the Nightwave Intermission will end, but the new series is currently expected to drop around Tennocon, which begins on July 6.