Knowing how to earn more free Platinum can help Warframe gamers save money. Instead, they can buy the in-game items they require, such as the new Warframes, skins, weapons, and other items. Platinum is an in-game currency that users may buy through microtransactions. The game may get extremely pricey, though, if you use microtransactions to buy extra Platinum. Fortunately, there are a number of ways to quickly increase the Platinum quantity in Warframe without having to spend actual money on the game. Every player in Warframe has access to earn free Platinum as none of the content is hidden behind a paywall.

The Best Way to Earn Free Platinum in Warframe

The best way to earn Platinum for free in Warframe is through the farming and selling of Warframes. Unfortunately, this won’t be a quick process.

Players may obtain more than 200 Platinum for a Prime Warframe. They may do this by selling Prime products such as well-liked Warframe blueprints and weapon components through the trade chat and marketplace.

More Prime Warframe parts may be acquired by completing Void Fissure missions. However, it may take a few hours to do so. After completing the quests, open Void relics to acquire these goods.

Warframe: How to Get Aya

Although selling Prime goods in Warframe may provide enormous sums of Platinum at a time, flipping items in the in-game market is the quickest method to get this premium currency.

By searching the market, keeping an eye on each item’s pricing, buying the products at a discount, then selling the items at a higher price when necessary to make a profit, flipping provides great results. This is possible through Maroo’s Bazaar on Mars. However, doing so will need users to be careful while trying to profit.

The most crucial thing to remember when selling Warframe Prime products for Platinum is to avoid being overly ambitious with your asking price. Of course, the goal is to turn a profit. But players shouldn’t anticipate a speedy sell to double their initial investment. Instead, if you raise the price of an item by 10–25 Platinum from what you paid for it, it will probably sell as quickly as it did when you first bought it.

Warframe is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Switch, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.