Hearthstone’s upcoming expansion, The Boomsday Project, is set to introduce another Shaman spell in early August.

Voltaic Burst is the most recent card from the set that’s been revealed. It’s a one-mana Shaman spell that allows you to summon two 1/1 Sparks with Rush. It also has the Overload ability, which will reduce the amount of mana available in your next turn.

At first glance, this card could be a decent early-game option for Shaman players. If you play Voltaic Burst in one of the first few turns of the game, it should be able to help you get some cheap minions on board.

It seems like this card will be used to help control early-game tempo. Voltaic Burst should also have good synergy with Flametongue Totem and Dire Wolf Alpha—or other cards that boost the attack stat to help them trade into bigger minions.

But right now, it’s too early to tell exactly how effective Voltaic Burst will be since all of the expansion’s cards haven’t been revealed yet.

Other Shaman cards that have been revealed from The Boomsday Project so far include the spell Eureka! and Annoy-o-Module, a four-mana 2/4 with Divine Shield, Taunt, and Magnetic.

The Boomsday Project is Hearthstone’s second expansion of the current Standard year, the Year of the Raven. This set will add 135 new cards to the game, including new keywords such as Magnetic. Anyone can preorder The Boomsday Project now, and all of the cards will become available on Aug. 7.