The all new Vivo V11 Pro (Rs. 25,990), which was launched in India quite recently, packs in some impressive hardware for a mid-range device. It packs in an impressive 6.41-inch Super AMOLED display, a Qualcomm Snapdragon 660 SoC along with 6GB RAM, a minimal waterdrop-style notch and the fourth-gen in-display fingerprint scanner.

If you’ve read our Vivo Nex review, you’d already know that in-display fingerprint scanners in general take a longer time to register your fingerprint and unlock the device, when compared to traditional capacitive fingerprint scanner. However, the fourth-gen fingerprint scanner on the Vivo V11 Pro is slightly faster, which slightly improves the experience, but it still isn’t anywhere as good as capacity in-display fingerprint scanners.

In conclusion, I’d like to say that the Vivo V11 Pro’s in-display fingerprint scanner is definitely a decent upgrade over the one found on the Vivo Nex and if you’re one who’s looking to stay at the bleeding edge of technology, you should definitely consider getting the Vivo V11 Pro. However, if you’re looking for a lightning fast fingerprint scanner, then you will probably have to look at other devices with a capacitive fingerprint scanner or wait a long while for the in-display scanner technology to improve in subsequent iterations.