In the last chapter That’s Murfree Country, Arthur and Charles went on investigating Murfree’s territory where they found a girl. After rescuing here, returning back to the camp Mrs. Adler knows the plan to rescue John from the prison. This triggers the mission Visiting Hours.

Visiting Hours Walkthrough

For Gold Medal, you will need to get a headshot of two Prison Guards while using a sniper from the tower. Reach the boat within 2 minutes & 45 minutes. You will have to finish up the mission within 9 minutes, complete with 80% accuracy and avoid taking any health items.

Go To The Watch Tower | Visiting Hours Walkthrough

You will find Sadie at the docks, she plans to rescue John. Abigail is arguing with Sadie to join the rescue mission but Arthur denies her. You will be going towards Sisika Penitentiary located on Sisika Island. Once you reach the island, stay low and follow Sadie. She will tell you to walk towards the watchtower, go quietly and take down the guard. Use a knife to kill the guard. After killing the guard, Sadie will spot the two guards and the prisoners working in the field. Pull out your binoculars and look toward the house, zoom in.

Eliminate The Guards| Visiting Hours Walkthrough

Take the guards rifle and shoot down two guards. For Gold, you will need headshots for both guards, for this can take down one and instantly activate Dead Eye and kill the second one. The gun sound will alert others and you will hear the siren. Follow Sadie, she will question one of the injured guards that will tell her that John is not working today.

Approach The Prison | Visiting Hours Walkthrough

A second guard will appear and threat Sadie to put the gun down, but Arthur points his gun and takes him as a hostage. Walk towards the prison entrance, in between other guards will try to stop you but they won’t be able to shoot because of the hostage. Sadie will knock them out, there will be a cutscene at the entrance. Arthur will warn the guards to release John, and they will do the same. After releasing John, there will be a gunfight. Take cover behind the crates and take down the guards on the top. Use a rifle, activate dead eye to kill multiple guards instantly.

Catch Up To Sadie And John | Visiting Hours Walkthrough

For Gold Medal, you will have to escape the boat within 2 minutes and 45 seconds. Follow Sadie and John, towards the boat. After crossing the bridge you will have to kill a few more guards. You will run into fields where you will have to kill more guards. Look for red spots in the mini-map, cover Sadie and John. There will be some crate around, take cover till Sadie call you once again.

Escort Sadie And John To The Rowboat | Visiting Hours Walkthrough

You will see the boat finally, don’t just run look behind for the pursuers. Reach the boat and keep shooting the guards, Sadie will row the boat. Keep on shooting the remaining guards, finally, the crew will be able to make to the camp. Back on the shore, follow Sadie to Beaver Hollow.

On your way to the camp, John will learn what all things happen when he was in jail. At the camp Dutch will be unhappy with Arthur’s action, this could draw a lot of attention to the camp. The mission ends with the cutscene, the next mission you can play is Just A Social Call. It starts after Mary Beth will tell Arthur that Dutch send me to inform him about Micah Bell who is in Annesburg. For more similar guides, tips and updates on the game do read our Red Dead Redemption 2 Wiki guide.