Upcoming old-school shooter Viscerafest, developed by Acid Man Games and Fire Plant Games, has teamed up with 1C Entertainment to release into Steam Early Access by 2021. Showcased at Realms Deep 2020, an event held earlier in the year to show off what the “Boomer Shooter” genre had to offer, Viscerafest stood out with its fairly distinct visuals. It fit right in with the likes of the New Blood-published Gloomwood and Ultrakill, as well as Effigy. Where Viscerafest stands out, however, is in its faithful tributes to the FPS titles of last century.

You play as Caroline, a merc with a mouth that splits off into eldritch horror, who’s deeply in love with her partner, Athens Fetter. She longs to be engaged to him, but even as a mercenary, money’s tight, and she doesn’t wanna skimp out on a lavish ceremony. Thankfully, a warlock by the name of Cromune is worth a pretty penny dead or alive, so Caroline takes the opportunity to pay for the ring.


With the 2.5D gameplay and graphics, the reference-spouting protagonist, and the non-linear level design, it makes sense for 1C Entertainment to hop on board. The Russian publisher has also been behind titles like Ion Fury, WRATH: Aeon of Ruin, and GRAVEN, the latter two also slated for release in 2021. It’s more than a promising sign, to say the least.

If you’re looking for some old-school FPS action, and can’t wait until the full release, then fear not! Viscerafest has a demo available should you join their Discord server. It has the perfect amount of what to expect, with many related titles also offering trial experiences, like the aforementioned Gloomwood. That game was shown off at Realms Deep along with Viscerafest this year. In any case, the demo should be a great starting point.

Viscerafest, by 1C Entertainment and Acid Man Games, will be available via Steam Early Access in 2021, with the game available to wishlist on Steam now.