Dark Souls, the first game which gave a new meaning to Real-time RPG and set a benchmark for the difficulty of games is all set to receive a remastered treatment for Nintendo Switch, PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Australian Rating Board has revealed the video game development studio who is handling the development work of Dark Souls Remastered for Nintendo Switch.

Recently, the Australian Rating board updates their listing for Dark Souls Remastered with an MA 15+ Rating, and along with it, they listed “Virtuous” as the “Author” i.e the developer behind the game. Virtuous is the same video game developer that ported L.A Noire on Nintendo Switch. Nintendo fans are delighted with this because Virtuous has a good experience of porting a game to Nintendo Switch. You guys can check out the tweet/update that Australian Rating Board to their Dark Souls Remastered listing.

“DARK SOULS: REMASTERED, Computer Games, Multi-Platform, Rating: MA 15+, Author: VIRTUOS, Publisher: NINTENDO CO., LTD., Consumer AdviceStrong fantasy themes and violence, online interactivity”

Dark Souls Remastered is scheduled to launch in May 2018. The game is going to run at upscaled 4K resolution and 60FPS on PS4 Pro and Xbox One X.