Fatshark, developers of Vermintide and Vermintide 2 have made me into a fan for life. First they combine the awesomeness of the Warhammer universe with the excellence of Left For Dead style co-op gameplay. Then they support the hell out of that game, release oddles of extra content for it, and improve it over the course of its life. Finally, they bring news of the sequel, Vermintide 2. While most developers are happy to jump from one game to the other, Fatshark want to give us a nice way to connect both games.

To do this they have released “Waylaid”, a free mission that arrived in Vermintide with the last patch. Waylaid seeks to neatly wrap up the events of Vermintide, and get our blood up for the sequel. It does this incredibly well, I might add.

For those unfamiliar with the games, Vermintide pits various hero characters against the verminous might of the Skaven. The Skaven are a species of giant rat that seek to take over the realms of men. A first person game, combat is frantic and dangerous. Players must make there way through different areas, collecting items and achieving objectives to be able to move on. You will cut down enemies with a combination of sword, bow, pistol and magic. Oh, and a few giant hammers and axes too. It is an incredibly fun game to play with friends.

Vermintide 2 promises more of the same, but with plenty of improvements as well. Scheduled for release on March 8, it also has a discount for pre-orders on Steam right now. A pre-purchase will also get you the “Death of the Reik” DLC for the original game for free.

For those of you who already own Vermintide, the new Wayload mission can be played in game now. I can’t wait to get my hands on those grubby little Skaven.