The American frontier of the 1860s was not an easy place to live. It was especially tough for those who lived in the desert. Veil of Dust: A Homesteading Game gives us a glimpse into this life. Think you can survive the harsh conditions? Check out the Veil of Dust farming sim and see if you can handle it.

Veil of Dust: A Homesteading Game Demo Release

Join siblings Shane and Aine Callahan as they attempt to survive the harshness of their environment. The environment won’t be the only thing the two have to contend with. Here are some features of the Veil of Dust farming sim:

  • Forage and Survive – thanks to their magic abilities; the siblings must isolate themselves. But these same abilities grant them the benefit of raising crops. Change the environment to suit the needs of the sibling pair.
  • A Mystery to Unravel – While the environment is harsh, the mysterious appearances of monsters adds another threat. Why are they here? What is the source of these aggressive creatures if Veil of Dust: A Homesteading Game?
  • Build Connections – Food and shelter are absolutely necessary for survival. But one can argue that meaningful connections with others is just as important. It can strengthen one’s spirit to form a connection, whether it’s romantic or otherwise.
  • Contend and Overcome – Homesteaders typically aren’t prepared for battle. But together, the siblings can stand together against the magic beasts that threaten their survival.
  • Craft What’s Necessary – There are no fancy dinners in Veil of Dust: A Homesteading Game. Gather what you can when you can to ensure survival. And defend the homestead against what monsters may appear.

Next week, developers Calamity Bay Games are releasing a Veil of Dust farming sim demo. Wishlist the title on Steam to be informed as soon as it’s released. The official release of the game is scheduled for 2022.