Update 5.12 has arrived for VALORANT, and here’s the full list of changes and fixes added with this patch. Valorant is one of the most popular online games lately, and gamers are excited about each released update. The updates are rolling the stones for the game by making major changes. Players should keep their eyes open for every update if they want to compete. The updates sometimes change the agents’ meta, bringing minor changes to the maps and fixing the bugs. Even if not all of them, updates are important for a strategy. Today’s update relays a few changes. Here’s everything new with VALORANT update 5.12 and the patch notes.

VALORANT Update 5.12 Patch Notes

Headhunter (Q)

  • Updated Stability Curve
  • Spread increased after 2nd bullet when spamming. This is explicitly meant to reduce low-precision body-shot spam as an effective combat measure.

Rendezvous (E)

  • Chamber now places a single anchor that can be teleported to while inside its range.
  • Radius increased 15m »> 26m
  • Removed teleport activation height restriction
  • You can teleport to the Anchor while on different verticality so long as you are within its radius.
  • Increased weapon equip time after teleporting 0.4s »> 0.7s
  • Headhunter is unaffected by this change
  • Destroying Rendezvous teleport anchor now disables it for the remainder of the round, instead of being placed on a cooldown.
  • Chamber no longer incurs an additional cooldown when recalling his Anchor after teleporting.

VALORANT Update 5.12 Patch Notes – Trademark (C)

  • The trap is now range restricted
  • Trademark will disable when Chamber moves out of range, and reactivate once he is inside.
  • Can now be recalled mid-round
  • Does not require line of sight
  • 30s cooldown on recall
  • Destruction remains permanent
  • Initial Arm Time increased 2s » 4s
  • Health Increased 1 » 20

Tour De Force (X)

  • Fire rate decreased by 57.5%


  • This applies to both Trademark and Tour De Force
  • Reduced 50% » 40%
  • Reduced duration 6s » 4s
  • Reduced size by 30%

Here are the changes that came with this patch. If you’re playing these agents on VALORANT, maybe it’s time to revise your strategy. Don’t forget to download the update before you go. It might take more time than you expected because the servers are usually being overloaded after the patches released. VALORANT is available on PC. For more information regarding this patch, please visit the official VALORANT site.

  • Spread increased after 2nd bullet when spamming. This is explicitly meant to reduce low-precision body-shot spam as an effective combat measure.

  • Radius increased 15m »> 26m

  • You can teleport to the Anchor while on different verticality so long as you are within its radius.

  • Headhunter is unaffected by this change

  • Trademark will disable when Chamber moves out of range, and reactivate once he is inside.

  • Does not require line of sight

  • Destruction remains permanent

  • Reduced 50% » 40%

  • Reduced duration 6s » 4s

  • Reduced size by 30%