To close out the year, Riot Games has released one last update for its 5vs5 character-based tactical shooter, Valorant Patch 3.12. As always, the patch comes sided by patch notes. We’ve pulled together the full Valorant 3.12 patch notes here to save you trawling through the Valorant site yourself.

As Riot puts it, Valorant Patch 3.12 delivers on some popular requests. Leading the charge are new agent-specific keybinds through customizable profiles accessible in the settings menu — only one profile per agent, but still a significant improvement. Alongside the keybind changes, Valorant Patch 3.12 introduces friendly fire detection and punishments for excessively and repeatedly causing harm to teammates. With Valorant Patch 3.12, players can now report other players in Agent Select. Useful if players are dishing out the toxicity as early as the pre-game. Conversely, stumble upon a good egg and you can now add them to your friends’ lists during Agent Select, too.

Several minor engine, agent, and social fixes round-off Patch 3.12 along with the return of wide player cards during loading screens and in the kill banners. You can read through the full Valorant 3.12 patch notes just below.

Valorant Patch 3.12 Patch Notes

Game System Updates

Agent-Specific Keybinds

  • We heard you loud and clear. You can now go to the Settings Menu and set different keybinds for each Agent!
  • Go to Settings » Controls » Actions to get started
  • Added ability to create, delete, and search for keybind profiles for each Agent. You cannot create more than one profile per Agent.
  • Added ability to copy your default keybindings to a single profile or all profiles at once.
  • Now when your keybinds are in conflict, you can see what other items the binding is assigned to.
  • You can revert individual changes made to bindings in each keybind profile. Reverting will reset the keybind to what it was at the time the profile was created.

Social Update

  • Report in Agent Select is now live!
  • You can now report disruptive players during the pregame. Just hover over the name and click REPORT.
  • You can also add players to your friends list if you have a positive experience.
  • Friendly Fire detection
  • You Better stop purposely blasting grenades on your teammates cause we’re tracking them and will be punishing excessive damage to allies!

Progression Updates

  • Wide Player Cards
  • After community feedback we are bringing back the Wide Player cards that are shown during the Loading Screens and in the kill banners.

Valorant Patch 3.12 General

  • Integrated select changes and bug fixes for Slate/UI from Unreal Engine 4.26 and 4.27



  • Fixed a bug that caused abilities that consist of a held object to display incorrectly in third person. You’ll notice this fix on Skye, Sage, Jett, Yoru, and Reyna.


  • Fixed a bug where players were able to spam invite others to party

Valorant is out now for PC.

  • You can now report disruptive players during the pregame. Just hover over the name and click REPORT.

  • You can also add players to your friends list if you have a positive experience.

  • You Better stop purposely blasting grenades on your teammates cause we’re tracking them and will be punishing excessive damage to allies!

  • After community feedback we are bringing back the Wide Player cards that are shown during the Loading Screens and in the kill banners.