The newest addition to the maps is the highly anticipated Lotus in Valorant. This three-site map offers players various features to keep gameplay exciting and dynamic. One of the main draws of the map is the inclusion of a third ultimate orb located at the mid-point of the map.

Valorant Lotus Map Callouts and Locations

One of the critical features of the map is the rope ascender located at the back of A Site. This device allows players to quickly and easily navigate to A Top, providing a new avenue of attack for players to take advantage of. Additionally, when players move from A Top to A Drop, their fall is silenced, making for a stealthy descent.

Another notable feature of Lotus is its rotating doorways. These doors, located on A Side and C Side, can be activated by a toggle button on either side, allowing players to move between areas such as A Main and A Tree or C Mound and B Main. This adds a new level of strategy as players can use the doors to quickly move through the map and take their opponents by surprise.

A destructible wall also stands between A Main and A Link. This wall can absorb damage and prevents gunfire from passing through it, providing cover for players. The wall can be damaged and will change color, starting with blue and turning yellow and red as it takes more damage. Eventually, the wall can be destroyed to open a passageway between A Main and A Link for the remainder of the round.

Overall, the Lotus map is a well-designed and highly detailed environment that offers players a new experience and new challenges to overcome. The inclusion of the rope ascender, rotating doorways and destructible wall, among other features, make for an exciting and ever-changing battlefield.