Learn the best Viper lineups and setups on Icebox!

Valorant’s Icebox is notorious for its verticality and complex angles, making it hard for some agents to shine. Fortunately, for Viper mains, this is one of the maps that will enable her full potential. If you want to win all of your games in the cold map using the American chemist, here are the best Viper lineups and setups on Icebox!

All The Best Viper Icebox Lineups and Setups

Attacking Snake Bite Lineups

A Default

Stand on the side of the right entrance of A Belt, then locate the slanted line on the right side of A Nest, then simply throw. Do not place it directly in the middle of the line since it will make it land farther. 

A Side Plant

This one is similar to the previous lineup but is used for post plants where the spike is planted on the side of A Site Tube. Stand in a similar position as the previous lineup, but this time, place your crosshair slightly on the right of the slanted line of A Nest. Also, make sure to aim your crosshair perfectly on the corner of the rectangle on the roof.

B Default 

Almost everyone plants at the default spot at B Site because it is safe but open to multiple angles during the post-plant situation. This Snake Bite lineup will land on the common plant spot. To do this, stand on the right side of the exit door frame of B Garage, then point your crosshair on the edge of the dark mountain in front of you, then perform a standing throw.

B Site Attacking Setups

B Site

There is a strong Toxic Screen lineup that blocks almost everything in B Site, including B Nest. To do this, walk a little bit until you see the huge container in B Green. Place your crosshair under the “CAP” lettering in the container. The Toxic Screen will block B Orange, Nest, and Snowman, enabling your team to take huge control of the site. 

On the other hand, it is best to use your Poison Orb for the spike and use it for your Snake Bite lineups. 

A Site

Due to its verticality, A Site in Icebox is hell to execute for some people. Both these Toxic Screen and Poison Orb lineups are great for taking the site without any problems. For the Toxic Screen, just line it up in a way that blocks A Screens. 

Do this for the Poison Orb lineup. Go to the right entrance of A Belt and stand on the edge of the entrance. Place your crosshair slightly on the right of A Nest, then perform a jumping throw. The Poison Orb will block A Nest, making it hard for the attackers to stop anyone who pushes the site. 


Poison Orb for Mid is powerful because it will cut off multiple sight lines. To smoke the Mid portion of the map, place yourself on the edge of the box, then aim at the top of the mountain in front, then simply throw. 

Defending Setups

This lineup is Suygetsu’s famous one-way wall in A Site. To do this, stand on the side of the barrier in Mid Boiler, then place your crosshair on the right edge of the green rectangular boxes in A Screens. 

The Toxic Screen will leave a small hole where you can see enemies peeking in A Belt.

B Defending

In Icebox, it is best to use the Toxic Screen in A Site and the Poison Orb in B Site. For this lineup, stand on the right cubby of B Yellow, then put your crosshair on the lower left edge of the machine on top of the containers. This lineup will prevent enemies from pushing B Green because of this amazing one-way Poison Orb.

That ends the best Viper lineups and setups for Icebox. Make sure to use all of these to help your team and win impossible rounds. If you want to use the American chemist on other maps, check out her best Pearl lineups as well. 

Valorant is now available on PC.

  • This article was updated on October 31st, 2022

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME GUIDES / Valorant: Best Viper Icebox Lineups and Setups

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