Boars are perhaps one of the most useful animals in Valheim. Not only are they are great for meat, but they’re great for getting leather scraps too. But the boars won’t go down peacefully, not when they’re wild anyway. When their tamed, however, that is a different story. So, here is how you tame boars in Valheim to get all their materials without a fight.

How to Tame a Boar

To tame a boar in Valheim, you’re going to need mushrooms, blueberries, carrots, and berries. These foods are essential to raising the affection of the boar you’re trying to tame. Once you have a good amount of these foods, make your way to the Meadows to find a boar to target. They usually spawn in groups of 1 to 4 so be careful not to aggro a huge group. However, before you can even get started taming an actual boar, you are going to have to build the enclosure first. It doesn’t have to be too big, but you will need an open space to lure boars in. Once you have lured the wild boars into the enclosure, you can finally begin taming them.

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To get started, you want to drop some of the food near the boar. You don’t want to get so close that you aggro it, however. If you do, it will ignore the food and just chase you until you leave the area. The boar will eventually see the offering you have placed and go to feast on it. When they do, little yellow hearts will appear above their heads.

These hearts indicate the boar’s affection level and so you will have to keep feeding them until that level reaches its max. Once it does, the boar will be completely tamed. Then, it’s all a matter of getting a few more boars to breed them. Two happy and well-fed boars will mate and spawn cute baby boars. With them, you’ll be well supplied in meat and leather scraps.