Sleeping in Valheim is important for those wishing to speed up the clock. Maybe you want to rid yourself of the night. Maybe you just want to accelerate the refining of some of your materials. Either way, sleep is the best method of doing just that. However, even Vikings need to sleep in beds. In this guide, you’ll learn exactly what you need to make your own bed.

How to Make a Bed

To build a bed, all you need is your hammer, the workbench, and 8 wood. Then it is just a matter of bringing it into the world. However, building the bed is the easier part of sleeping in Valheim. To actually use it, you need to meet a few conditions. First of all, the bed needs to be in a sheltered place. This means that it needs to be in an enclosed space with a roof in order to give you the Sheltered Effect. So, any hopes of sleeping in the wilderness will have to be put on hold. Not only that but you are going to need a fire somewhere nearby in the shelter. You can’t have your Viking go to bed cold.

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There can also be no enemies nearby when you try to sleep, it has to be afternoon or night in the game, and you cannot be wet. If all of these criteria are met, you can sleep to your heart’s desire. You might even have some dreams that will show up in-game.

The bed serves other purposes than just speeding up the clock. By building and claiming a bed, you will basically set your respawn point. Any time you die, you will respawn at your bed back in your base at your bedside. You can use this strategically.  If you have other outposts near dangerous areas, you can build another bed and place them inside. If you claim another bed, you will also replace your current respawn point. So, if you die in that dangerous area, you won’t be brought back all the way to your base. And when you are finished, you can reclaim the bed in your base to reset your respawn point.