Like a number of games playable on the PC, you can open up what’s called a console, which operates much like a command prompt where you can input commands for the game to execute when you enter them in. Valheim is no exception to this and you can use a variety of console commands to manually administrate aspects of your multiplayer experience such as banning a player from your server or adjusting the performance of the game for all players on your server. However, like a lot of games that have a console like this, you can also use it to enable cheats. As such, we’re here to list off all the commands you can use with your console in Valheim.

All Console Commands and Cheats in Valheim

There are two things you need to know before you start playing around with the console commands: in order to access the console, while in-game, you need to press the F5 key. When you’re done with the console, you press either F5 again or ESC. When you want to execute a command you simply type in the command and fill out any parameters you need to be aware of for the command and press enter to execute the command. Not all of the commands are binary in the sense that they simply switch on and off so keep that in mind if you’re playing with any of these.

If you want to use cheats, you will need to execute the command named “imacheater” and you’ll know you executed it properly when the result you see in the next line is “Cheats: True.” You can turn them off again by executing the command once more.

Normal Console Commands

  • help
  • Prints a list of available console commands.
  • kick [name/ip/userID]
  • Kicks the specified player from the server.
  • Example: “kick theKenny”
  • ban [name/ip/userID]
  • Bans the specified player from the server.
  • Example: “ban theKenny”
  • unban [name/ip/userID]
  • Unbans the specified player, allowing them access back onto the server.
  • Example: “unban theKenny”
  • banned
  • Prints a list of players banned from this server.
  • ping
  • Pings the server and prints how long in milliseconds it took to receive a reply. Useful for measuring latency/lag on a server.
  • lodbias [0-5]
  • Sets the draw distance of the world/server. If the number is left blank, it simply prints the current draw distance.
  • Note: This changes the same value that the “Draw Distance/Level Of Detail” slider in the Graphics settings changes, but the console command allows for more precise values.
  • info
  • Prints current system info (render threading mode and allocated memory).

Cheat Commands

  • imacheater
  • Toggles access to cheat commands on/off.
  • pos
  • Prints the coordinates of your current position.
  • goto [x,z]
  • Teleports you to the specified coordinates.
  • Example: goto 0,0
  • exploremap
  • Explores the entire map, removing all fog of war.
  • resetmap
  • Resets map exploration, clearing ALL previously explored areas.
  • killall
  • Kills all nearby enemies.
  • tame
  • Tames all nearby tameable creatures.
  • hair
  • Permanently removes your hair.
  • beard
  • Permanently removes your beard.
  • location
  • Sets new spawn location.
  • raiseskill [skill] [amount]
  • Increases the level of the specified skill by the specified amount.
  • Note: increases BY amount, not TO amount.
  • Example: raiseskill run 20
  • resetskill [skill]
  • Resets the specified skill level to 0.
  • Example: resetskill run
  • freefly
  • Toggles on/off the freefly drone camera view.
  • ffsmooth [0-1]
  • Sets the smoothing of the freefly camera (0 = no smoothing, 1 = full smoothing).
  • tod [0-1] OR tod -1
  • Sets the time of day. 0 and 1 are both midnight. 0.5 is noon. -1 is dawn.
  • env [env]
  • Sets debug environment.
  • resetenv
  • Resets the debug environment.
  • wind [angle] [intensity]
  • Sets the wind to the specified angle (0 is north) and the specified intensity from 0 to 1.
  • Example: wind 180 1
  • resetwind
  • Resets the wind to default.
  • god
  • Toggles God Mode on/off. In God Mode you take no damage.
  • event [name]
  • Starts the specified event.
  • Example: event wolves
  • stopevent
  • Stops the current event.
  • randomevent
  • Starts a random event.
  • save
  • Forces the game to save.
  • resetcharacter
  • Resets your character’s skills and inventory.
  • removedrops
  • Removes all item drops nearby.
  • setkey [name]
  • Sets new global key.
  • resetkeys [name]
  • Resets the specified key.
  • listkeys
  • Lists all global keys.
  • players [nr]
  • Sets the difficulty scaling based on the number of players. 1 player = no difficulty scaling. 0 resets to the actual number of players.
  • Example: players 200
  • dpsdebug
  • Toggles damage-per-second debug overlay on/off.
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  • Prints a list of available console commands.

  • Kicks the specified player from the server.

  • Example: “kick theKenny”

  • Bans the specified player from the server.

  • Example: “ban theKenny”

  • Unbans the specified player, allowing them access back onto the server.

  • Example: “unban theKenny”

  • Prints a list of players banned from this server.

  • Pings the server and prints how long in milliseconds it took to receive a reply. Useful for measuring latency/lag on a server.

  • Sets the draw distance of the world/server. If the number is left blank, it simply prints the current draw distance.

  • Note: This changes the same value that the “Draw Distance/Level Of Detail” slider in the Graphics settings changes, but the console command allows for more precise values.

  • Prints current system info (render threading mode and allocated memory).

  • Toggles access to cheat commands on/off.

  • Prints the coordinates of your current position.

  • Teleports you to the specified coordinates.

  • Example: goto 0,0

  • Explores the entire map, removing all fog of war.

  • Resets map exploration, clearing ALL previously explored areas.

  • Kills all nearby enemies.

  • Tames all nearby tameable creatures.

  • Permanently removes your hair.

  • Permanently removes your beard.

  • Sets new spawn location.

  • Increases the level of the specified skill by the specified amount.

  • Note: increases BY amount, not TO amount.

  • Example: raiseskill run 20

  • Resets the specified skill level to 0.

  • Example: resetskill run

  • Toggles on/off the freefly drone camera view.

  • Sets the smoothing of the freefly camera (0 = no smoothing, 1 = full smoothing).

  • Sets the time of day. 0 and 1 are both midnight. 0.5 is noon. -1 is dawn.

  • Sets debug environment.

  • Resets the debug environment.

  • Sets the wind to the specified angle (0 is north) and the specified intensity from 0 to 1.

  • Example: wind 180 1

  • Resets the wind to default.

  • Toggles God Mode on/off. In God Mode you take no damage.

  • Starts the specified event.

  • Example: event wolves

  • Stops the current event.

  • Starts a random event.

  • Forces the game to save.

  • Resets your character’s skills and inventory.

  • Removes all item drops nearby.

  • Sets new global key.

  • Resets the specified key.

  • Lists all global keys.

  • Sets the difficulty scaling based on the number of players. 1 player = no difficulty scaling. 0 resets to the actual number of players.

  • Example: players 200

  • Toggles damage-per-second debug overlay on/off.