V Rising is the latest surprise in the video game industry that has captured the heart and minds of many players. Even though it is still in Early Access mode, it has sold more than 1 million copies. V Rising is a vampire survival MMO where players build their castle, gather servants, and finally defeat the bosses, which is the main goal of the game. The servants are one of your main attributes once you’ve progressed in the game, so here are the best servants in V Rising.

The Best Servants in V Rising

There are different types of servants in V Rising, but when it comes to which one is the best, you must remember that each servant is best for one thing and the worst for another. It is a matter of understanding what each type of servant does and using them in the correct order.

Servants in V Rising do many things, but probably the most important thing they do is defend the castle. Whether PvP or PvE, your servants will defend the castle and your resources until they die. They can also attack intruders and send on missions to gather even more resources.

The first type of servant you get access to is the Worker. This is the best servant for infiltrating protected settlements and gathering their resources. They also have the Humble Appearance trait that makes it easier for people in settlements to trust them easily. This means they can gather resources without getting attacked, which is pretty great.

There is the Scholar servant in V Rising, who is the best servant for mining or farming the areas covered by nature’s elements. These elements can be dangerous, so it is crucial to have servants with the ability to guard you against these elements. They also have the Sacred Resistance trait that boosts their attributes.

Then there is the Bruce servant, which can also be considered as one of the best servants in V Rising. These servants help players hunt in areas too dangerous to travel alone. They also have Tenacious Strength, which will reduce the difficulty players feel when trying to take out enemies.

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If you are the type of player to go into territories that have been covered with demons, then the best servant for you is the Rogue. With their Tracking Expertise trait, your journey to farm in dangerous areas will be much smoother.

And the last one is the Warrior, which decimates enemies that dare to enter their base without hurting the player. With their Military Tactics trait, they become the equivalent of being a main DPS for the player.

V Rising is available as early access for PC via Steam.