V Rising is a brand-new vampire survival game with a vampiric twist that has taken Steam by storm. The game sees players taking the role of a weakened vampire that awakens from their slumber, all of whom are trying to rise to power as they build up their castle and build an army of loyal subjects. With a game so popular being locked to the PC, players will want to know if the game is expected to make the jump over to their console. This article will let players know whether or not V Rising is coming to consoles anytime soon.

Is V Rising Coming To Consoles?

V Rising is exclusively out on PC in Early Access, and unfortunately for console players that want to give the game a try, there are no announced plans for the game to make its way to consoles. This makes sense, given the fact that the game is still technically in development, so trying to get multiple versions of the game out before the game is even complete seems like a bad idea. Stunlock Studios, the developers and publishers of the title, took the much more understandable approach of focusing on the PC version for its early access days instead.

V Rising: How to Get Leather

Of course, this doesn’t mean that V Rising will never come to the Xbox, PlayStation, or Switch. With the team aiming for the game to hit 1.0 within the next year, along with the game’s explosive popularity on Steam, it might not be long before console players see the new survival title on their system of choice. This is all just speculation, however, with there being no word about when the game could be coming to consoles.

V Rising is now available as Early Access on PC via Steam.