V Rising has sprung its way into Early Access on PC through Steam, almost like your vampire springing its way out of its coffin for the first time. With an expansive world ahead of you, plenty of supplies to collect, and commoner’s necks just waiting to be juiced of their sweet blood, there’s plenty to sink your teeth into while the game’s in its early stages. Speaking of those early stages, you’ll need to construct yourself a small vampire castle that you can call home before you properly venture into the wild. One thing that won’t come right away though, and isn’t very clear, is a roof over your head. If you’re having trouble getting this, no need to worry. In this guide, we’ll explain how to make a roof in V Rising!

How to Make a Roof in V Rising

Crafting yourself a nice roof is actually a lot easier than you might be led to believe. As mentioned above, you’ll get to a point in the early game where you have to create yourself a small castle that has a number of steps to it. First, you’ll need proper walls, as you probably expected. Alongside that though, you’ll need a floor that suits your needs with an entryway so you can enter your new home. Once that’s all been set up, you’ll be surprised to see that the roof has constructed itself, letting you get on with things as normal. It’s a very simple system, and the lack of customizability is a shame given everything else you can change, but hopefully, the team can add a better way of including one in the future. In the meantime, get back to hunting commoners!

How to Get Unsullied Hearts for Greater Blood Essence

V Rising is currently available in Early Access on Steam.