If you haven’t been living under a rock for the past 20-odd years and have access to the Internet, then you know exactly what Google is. It’s possibly the best search engine out there, helping you access all the information you need, and you may already be familiar with this fact. You may have also noticed how the Google Doodles change to signify an occasion, but did you know there are secret search queries that present you with some strange or cool results. Well, the secret queries are Google Easter eggs that the company has strewed across its platform. If you’ve recently come across one of them and have been on the hunt for more Google Easter eggs, we have compiled a list of 55+ hidden Google Easter eggs right here.

Latest Google Easter Eggs

DART Mission

In 2022, NASA launched its much anticipated Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission as a test of its first planetary defence technology. Under this mission, NASA intentionally crashed a spaceship into an asteroid to change its course of direction. While it all sounds too nerdy, Google turned it into an easter egg in Search results. Now, when you type ‘Dart mission’ in the Google search, you will see a satellite crashing into an asteroid in the middle of your screen.

  • Latest Google Easter Eggs

  • DART MissionBatman Easter EggCha Cha Slide Easter EggFriends Easter EggsGoogle Search Easter Eggs

  • Do a barrel rollPacman (Solitaire/ Tic Tac Toe/ Snake)What sound does a cow make?Error 418 (I’m a teapot)!?Loneliest number = 1SpinnerBubble LevelMetronomeRandom Number GeneratorSuper Mario Bros / Sonic the HedgehogAtari breakoutZerg rushAskewGoogle in 1998Flip a coinRoll a dieGoogle gravityOnce in a blue moonBlink HTMLAnagramRecursion(sqrt(cos(x))cos(500x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.4)(3-xx)^0.1Answer to life the universe and everythingBletchley parkHacker, Pirate, and Pig Latin interfacesText AdventureFestivusHanukkah/ChristmasGoogle Docs Easter Eggs

  • (LGBTQ) PRIDE Conway’s Game of LifeGoogle Maps Easter Eggs

  • Loch Ness MonsterDiagon AlleyUFO on Google MapsSnake Game on Google MapsA Cool Assortment of a Variety of Easter Eggs

  • The Answer to Life, the Universe, and EverythingIs Google Down?Nutrition InfoGoogle Sky3D Easter EggWhat Sound Does a Dog Make?Find Webpage FontsConverterPac-ManMarquee HTMLFind the Age or Height of CelebritiesDinosaur GameSpelling NumbersCarmen Sandiego Google EarthGoogle MarsTimerValentine’s DayFun FactsGoogle MoonBaker’s DozenDeep BreathingLGBT

  • DART MissionBatman Easter EggCha Cha Slide Easter EggFriends Easter Eggs

  • Do a barrel rollPacman (Solitaire/ Tic Tac Toe/ Snake)What sound does a cow make?Error 418 (I’m a teapot)!?Loneliest number = 1SpinnerBubble LevelMetronomeRandom Number GeneratorSuper Mario Bros / Sonic the HedgehogAtari breakoutZerg rushAskewGoogle in 1998Flip a coinRoll a dieGoogle gravityOnce in a blue moonBlink HTMLAnagramRecursion(sqrt(cos(x))cos(500x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.4)(3-xx)^0.1Answer to life the universe and everythingBletchley parkHacker, Pirate, and Pig Latin interfacesText AdventureFestivusHanukkah/Christmas

  • (LGBTQ) PRIDE Conway’s Game of Life

  • Loch Ness MonsterDiagon AlleyUFO on Google MapsSnake Game on Google Maps

  • The Answer to Life, the Universe, and EverythingIs Google Down?Nutrition InfoGoogle Sky3D Easter EggWhat Sound Does a Dog Make?Find Webpage FontsConverterPac-ManMarquee HTMLFind the Age or Height of CelebritiesDinosaur GameSpelling NumbersCarmen Sandiego Google EarthGoogle MarsTimerValentine’s DayFun FactsGoogle MoonBaker’s DozenDeep BreathingLGBT

When Robert Pattinson’s new Batman movie released, Google also went in on the hype with a brand new easter egg. Months later, it still works, and if you haven’t tried it out, you need to take a look at it. Simply search for ‘Bruce Wayne’, ‘Gotham City’, or ‘Bat-Signal’. You should see a bat-signal icon beside the information card on the screen. Click on it to see a bat signal light up on the search results page, and Batman flying across your screen as well.

To mark the 20th anniversary of popular Cha-Cha Slide song, Google has released an awesome easter egg. Now, when you search for the Cha Cha Slide, you will see a microphone icon. Once you click on it, your search page will go through the dance moves that are mentioned in the song.

This is a really funny and incredible easter egg. The best part is that the easter egg works on both mobile and desktop devices. So don’t wait, search for Cha Cha Slide, and make your Google search page dance.

Friends Easter Eggs

Google celebrated the 25th anniversary of Friends by launching six new easter eggs, one each for the main cast. When you search for Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, Joey, Rachel, or Ross (you have to use the full name), Google will provide you with an easter egg icon just as shown in the picture below. My favorite easter eggs are for Phoebe and Ross. In the former, when you click on the guitar, it starts playing the famous “Smelly Cat” song with a cat walking on your screen. In case of Ross, it recreates the famous “Couch Pivot” scene. We have linked all the easter egg pages below so you can just click and check them out.

Google Search Easter Eggs

Majority of Google’s Easter eggs are hidden in its most popular product (i.e. Google Search), and can be accessed simply by using a specific word or phrase as the search string. Here are a few of them:

Wanna roll a little? Type in Do a barrel roll in the Google search box, and you’ll see the entire webpage rotate clockwise by a full 360 degrees.

Google sure serves you with the best search results, but it also knows how to show you a good time. You can enjoy some popular arcade games including Pacman, Solitaire, Snake game or Tic Tac Toe, right from the results. You simply need to do a search for any of the aforementioned titles and hit ‘Click to Play’ to immersive yourself in some fun games. This has to be one of my favorite Google Easter Eggs.

Google can help either you or your kids learn whatever sound an animal makes, simply by using a search query like, “what sound does a cow make?” or “what sound does a cat make?” You then have to tap the speaker icon next to the animal name to hear the sounds. This is one of the best Google Easter Eggs for kids as it’s not only informative but also cool.

4. Error 418 (I’m a teapot)!?

This teapot Easter egg was designed to appease server and SEO enthusiasts and it was supposed to be an April Fools Joke back in 1998. It wasn’t designed for implementation, however, Google still did go ahead with the idea. You can check out the page right here.

Well, apart from spewing out numbers in reference to popular works of fiction, Google is also hiding another calculator-based Easter egg under its belt. It refers to “One” as the loneliest number, which could be a reference to Harry Nilson’s popular song under the same name.

If you haven’t managed to get over the fidget spinner trend, well, Google intends to be in line with the times. It already displayed a number spinner when you searched for spinner’ but it added a fidget spinner to the same after they gained immense popularity last year.

While many of these Easter eggs work both on the mobile and desktop, Bubble Level is a mobile-only Easter egg which turns your smartphone into exactly what it says – a bubble leveler. You can search for the same and place your smartphone on any surface to tell if its horizontal or vertical.

Google is also quite considerate to musicians and has a ‘metronome’ Easter egg available via its search engine. Anytime you want an audible click while writing music or playing an instrument, you can now turn to Google for it.

9. Random Number Generator

Google also offers you a random number generator, which can sometimes come in really handy, but that’s not the Easter egg here. The search giant is hip and emojis are cool, so when you set the min and max limits both to 100, you’ll see the 100 emoji. And setting a max limit of more than 10 digits will show you a dizzy face emoji.

If you spent your childhood with Super Mario Bros or Sonic the Hedgehog, then you will love this Google Easter egg. When you search for either of the two games, the information card available on the right shows a notable entity from the game. An animated question mark and the signature Mario points sound for the former whereas the Hedgehog rolls into the picture for the latter.

Now that we’re on the topic of games, how about playing another one? Called Image Breakout, it’s Google’s take on the classic Breakout arcade game, developed and published years ago by Atari. To access this Easter egg, do a Google image search for the Atari breakout string, and the images in search results will turn into colorful bricks, which you can smash with the ball, while bouncing it off the paddle. If you manage to finish the game, the search automatically redirects to results from any random Image search.

This Google Easter Egg is especially fun. Search for Zerg rush, and your search results will be attacked from all sides by hordes of O alphabets. The Os can be destroyed by clicking on them repeatedly. The game ends either when all the search results have been destroyed, or when you’ve defeated all the Os. The high score can be shared as well.

Don’t like things to be symmetrical? This is just the Easter egg for you. Key in Askew as the search term, and the entire webpage will be skewed, or tilted to the right side.

14. Google in 1998

Like pretty much all great things, Google also had humble beginnings, when it started off in 1998. Wanna know how the most popular search engine looked back then? Use Google in 1998 as the search phrase, and go back in time.

No matter how big or small a dispute is, it can always be sorted out by flipping (or tossing) a coin. And thanks to this Easter egg, you don’t even need to have one in your pocket to toss. Search for Flip a coin, and see whether you get Heads or Tails.

There are numerous games that involve rolling the ever familiar six faced die. And having Google do that for you just makes it that much cooler. All you have to do is run a search for Roll a die, and you’ll get a random number from 1 to 6.

Even the world’s most popular search engine can’t escape from the pull of gravity, and that is something clearly evinced by this Easter egg. Go to google.com, type in Google Gravity, and click on the “I am Feeling Lucky” button. You’ll see the webpage’s UI elements crumble to the base, all thanks to gravity. But that’s not all, there are various other commands you can type in search engine like “Google Reverse Gravity”, “Google Underwater Gravity”, and more which do fun and random stuff to your Google homepage. Here are some of the best Google Gravity search terms you should try.

18. Once in a blue moon

Often Once in a blue moon is a phrase associated with events that almost never happen, or happen rarely. But that’s a vague term, and one that Google finds irksome. Search for Once in a blue moon, and find out exactly how much it actually is (hint: It’s in Hertz).

How’d you like your search results blinking at you? That might sound a little weird, but it’s actually a reference to the namesake tag. Use Blink HTML as the search string, and all the occurrences of the words Blink and HTML in the search results will start blinking. How cool is that?

They might not seem much, but Anagrams (words that are formed by re-arranging the letters of existing words) can be a lot of fun. So much, that Google has an Easter egg dedicated to them. Search for Anagram, and apart from the relevant search results, Google will also question whether you meant Nag a ram (which is an anagram formed by re-arranging the letters of the word anagram itself).

The practice of recursion involves repeated application of certain recurring procedures. So when you run a Google search for Recursion, Google asks whether you meant to search for, you guessed it right, Recursion.

No, the seemingly complicated mathematical expression referenced in this point’s title isn’t some random stuff. In fact, when this expression is plotted on a graph, it creates the shape of a heart. Unbelievable? Search (sqrt(cos(x))cos(500x)+sqrt(abs(x))-0.4)(3-xx)^0.1, and see for yourself.

If someone is seeking the meaning of topics such as the life and universe, one would assume the answer to be extremely complicated. But the answer is actually extremely simple, if you try to look it up on Google. This Easter egg is an ode to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series by Douglas Adams. Search with the phrase Answer to life the universe and everything, and you’ll get the answer as 42.

24. Bletchley park

Secret codes and phrases have always been used in the past to communicate sensitive information, especially during wars and other such conflicts. Bletchley park was actually the home for the British code-breakers during World War Two. And a Google Easter egg perfectly pays homage to the importance of the location and the people who worked there. Search Bletchley park, and the you’ll see the Google search information card on the right play an animated alphanumeric code sequence, eventually spelling out Bletchley park.

We generally use Google in our native tongue, but the search engine offers you the option to choose from a variety of different languages. And some of them can be really fun, such as Pirate, Hacker, Klingon, or even Pig Latin, if you understand the lingo. You can activate any of these languages by heading to ‘Settings -> Languages’ from the bottom right on Google’s homepage.

Google has always been good with Easter eggs, but the hidden Text Adventure game will have to be my favorite. It sees a “Big Blue G” looking for all its remaining colored friends from the Google logo and it’s a pleasant little secret for adventurers.

This Easter egg is a reference to the Festivus holiday (a parody holiday meant as an alternative to the pressures and gatherings of the Christmas holidays season), which features an aluminium Festivus pole. Search Google for Festivus, and you’ll see the Festivus pole appear at the left of the search results page.

28. Hanukkah/Christmas

Hanukkah and Christmas are probably the most important festivals/holidays for Jews and Christians respectively all around the globe. And if you happen to be in a festive mood, Google can help make things better. Search for Christmas or Hanukkah, and a gorgeous looking thematic header will be overlaid on the top of the search results.

If you are a fan of famous American sitcom ‘The Office’, you will definitely like Google Search easter egg. Type in ‘DVD Screensaver’ right away in Google Search and you will see the Google logo hovering on your screen. Will it ever touch a corner? Well, that’s a mystery.

The online collaborative productivity suite of Google also has some really neat Easter eggs of its own hidden in it. Here are some:

The LGBT community has faced discrimination for a really long time, and even though things are steadily improving, there’s much work left to be done. And thanks to this Google Docs Easter egg, showing off your LGBT pride is easier than ever. Simply open up a blank Google Spreadsheet, and type in the five letters of the word PRIDE in five adjacent cells, one letter in each cell. As soon as you do that, the columns will be highlighted in the different rainbow colors, symbolic of the LGBT community.

31. Conway’s Game of Life

Conway’s Game of Life is an amazing game, devised by British mathematician John Horton Conway comprises of cells and how they interact with their neighbors. If you want to give this game a shot, well, you cannot as you’re merely a spectator to the blue-gray cells that show up over the search results. However, if you want to try an interactive version of the game, then head to Google Docs and press Ctrl+Alt+Shift+E, followed by Ctrl+Alt+Shift+C, to launch the table where you can try out Conway’s Game of Life.

Google Search is not the only place where the tech giant has hidden some interesting secrets for users to discover, Google Maps is also a treasure of some sweet easter eggs. Here are some of the best Google Maps easter eggs you need to experience right now.

Everyone is aware of the mystery of Loch Ness monster. Does it exist? Yes, in Google Maps (or at least a caricature of it). Google has added a sneaky little cartoon of Loch Ness that appears when you search ‘Loch Ness Monster’ in Google Maps. Pegman or the tiny yellow-colored man at the bottom right of the screen turns into a cute Loch Ness monster with a hat.

Experience the magic the Harry Potter and and wander the streets of Diagon Alley with this Google Maps easter egg. Search ‘Diagon Alley’ on Google Maps and enable street view. Now, you can visit the famous Oliver’s wand and explore around the magical streets in 360 degrees.

This is another easter egg on Google Maps that turns the pegman into a UFO. Type in ‘Area 51’ or ‘Groom Lake, Nevada’ in Google Maps and pickup the yellow-colored pegman to see it turn into a cool UFO. Similarly, search results for ‘Hawaii’ on Google Maps changes the pegman into a mermaid.

35. Snake Game on Google Maps

Do you know you can actually play the famous snake game on Google Maps? Google added the game is an easter egg on April 1, 2019 as a part of its April fool’s day campaign. While it was directly available in Google Maps earlier, the easter egg has now been removed but you can still play the game by visiting this link. You can choose from Cairo, Sao Paolo, London, Sydney, San Fransisco, Tokyo or the entire world for the game.

In this section, we’ve compiled 20 cool Easter eggs. From light-hearted games to curiosity-driven eggs, it’s got plenty to tickle your fancy. Here we go!

This one has long been one of my favorite Google Easter eggs thanks to an interesting story which is related to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams. In the book, Adams stated that “The answer to the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything is 42.” When fans couldn’t decode the meaning of that magic number, the writer said that it was nothing but a joke. Despite the funny revelation, Hitchhiker’s fans still think that the 42 holds several secrets up its sleeve!

37. Is Google Down?

Imagine a situation where Google doesn’t seem to be working on your device, wouldn’t you want to quickly find out whether or not the search engine is down? Most probably, yes. Save this interesting Easter egg for such times.

38. Nutrition Info

Whether you are a fitness freak or a health-conscious person, this Easter egg is specifically designed for you. Simply, write the name of any food followed by nutrition (i.e walnut nutrition) and carry out a Google Search of nutrition to find out all the nutrition info.

39. Google Sky

Well, I’ve specifically saved Google Sky for those who dream to go for a long space voyage. This Easter egg is thoughtfully designed and allows users to explore the space with precision. From letting you wander in the wilds of the solar system to diving deep into constellations, it’s got a lot to keeping you amazed.

40. 3D Easter Egg

Just a glance at 3D easter egg and you would come to know that it’s pretty special. If you don’t believe me, simply hit this link to see an awesome spinning egg in 3D along with an out-of-the-box calculus.

41. What Sound Does a Dog Make?

I guess you are already wondering why I have listed out this Easter egg as there is nothing unusual about it. Let me tell you that it applies to not only dogs but also other animals. So, if there is any animal which sounds you don’t know, use this Easter egg to know that.

42. Find Webpage Fonts

If you are fond of nice-looking fonts, this is your thing. You can use this Easter egg to discover a ton of attractive fonts. What’s more, it also allows you to compare fonts based on the precise fonts that appeal to your fancy.

43. Converter

While many of you would be aware of this Google Easter egg, I think there are quite a few people who might not have come across it. That’s why I thought it’s worth mentioning it in this extensive roundup of the top Easter eggs. As for functionality, it allows you to quickly convert currency and mass. So, whether you want to convert kilograms to pounds or Euro to USD, it can get the job done for you.

44. Pac-Man

As someone who has a huge penchant for light-hearted games, I have found “Pac-Man” really fascinating. Simply, search for Pac-Man in the Google Search and then use the handy arrow keys to play the video game to your heart’s liking. Perfect for the times where the monotonous feeling is kind of killing your mind and you wish to get started with interesting gaming right away!

45. Marquee HTML

When it comes to hidden Easter egg, Marquee HTML is the one name that has never failed to amaze me. So, what makes it so fascinating? Well, when looking for Marquee HTML in Google Search, you will find out that the results count will move slowly move from right to left.

46. Find the Age or Height of Celebrities

While there is nothing striking about this Easter egg, I’m sure many of you would like to have it, especially the ones who have a keen interest in celebrities and wish to know almost everything about them. If you ever want to know the height or age of any celebrity, simply type the name followed by age or height and the big G will quickly show the result.

47. Dinosaur Game

Times when the Internet is playing hide and seek and you don’t want the downtime to completely put you off, a game like Dinosaur can come into play really well. So, the next the internet connection goes down simply press the space bar and the arrow keys to kickstart the dinosaur game. As it’s pretty easy to play, you don’t need to go through any learning curve to master it.

48. Spelling Numbers

Do you often seem to get stuck with spelling or reading a big number? If yes, this cool Easter egg can be the right answer to your needs. Simply, bring in the big G and then type in the number=English. Then, leave the rest to the search engine.

49. Carmen Sandiego Google Earth

Have a liking for eye-catching animation? This is exactly what you need to not only explore top-notch animation but also indulge with interesting gameplay. To get going, search for “Carmen Sandiego” in Google Earth and then follow the Carmen Sandiego across the globe by indulging in the light-hearted game and discovering clues.

Time to take a short trip to mars! Well, if you are wondering how it’s possible, let me tell you that this Easter egg can let you take a quick trip to the mars. Whether you are curious about the universe or love to explore the unknown, you should keep it in mind.

51. Timer

I bet not many of you know that Google has a hidden timer. Times when you wish to keep a tab on the time while working on a task, it will come into the picture seamlessly. Just prop out Google Search and type in something like “Timer 2 hours” and you are ready to go!

52. Valentine’s Day

For those love birds who are always on the lookout for something that can bring a lot of smiles on the face of their beloved friend, Valentine’s Day is the way to go. With this fascinating Easter egg, you will get a loving present for your Valentine with a unique mathematical calculus. Of course, it will be a bit difficult to decode the message, it can surely light up the moment.

53. Fun Facts

This one is primed for curious minds or someone who always wants to learn something out-of-the-box. So, the next time you want to learn something unique, head over to Google Search and type in “Fun Facts”. Voila! Google Will amaze you with an interesting fact.

54. Google Moon

Ever wished to give a close look at the moon but give up on the idea so you didn’t have the tool to get it done? If yes, Google Moon is the right answer to your longing. To start your voyage on the moon, hit this direct link. Featuring 3D models of rovers and landers as well as 360° photo panoramas, this hidden Easter egg has you fully covered.

55. Baker’s Dozen

Last but not least Baker’s Dozen (aka a long dozen or devil’s dozen) is one of the coolest Google Easter eggs that I have come across. It’s also got an intriguing story wrapped inside. When you search for “Baker’s Dozen” in Google, the number 13 would appear would take center-stage on the screen – revealing and erstwhile practice of medieval English bakers offering an extra loaf when selling a dozen. It was done to prevent bakers from cheating customers and selling light loaves of bread.

56. Deep Breathing

In 2018, Google added breathing exercises to its search results. When you search ‘Breathing exercise’ or ‘Deep breathing’ in Google Search, it shows a fun exercise that you can take in addition to glancing over the search results for the term. Simply click on play and Google will guide you through exercises that you can perform to calm yourself during distress.

To celebrate diversity and show its solidarity to Gays, Lesbians, Bisexuals and trans people, Google has an easter egg hidden right into the search page. When you search for ‘LGBT’ on Google, you get an animated heart wrapped in pride colors in the Knowledge panel on the right side of the screen. Click on it and you will see confetti showered on your display with LGBTQ flags at the bottom.