Today (March 8), the newest Nintendo Direct presentation was held and it contained a number of announcements about both 3DS and Switch games. One of the more unexpected announcements was the reveal that 2015 cult classic Undertale will be coming to the Switch.
During today’s Nintendo Direct, a brief trailer was shown in which the characters Sans and Papyrus hold a short conversation involving puns about light switches and Nintendo Switches. Once they’re done talking, it was revealed that Undertale will be coming to the Switch, though no release date, or even release window, was given, with the trailer instead stating that the game is coming to the Switch “eventually.”
As those who played last year’s PlayStation 4 or PlayStation Vita version of Underatale know, the console version of the game differed very slightly from the PC original, but did include some new things like the Dog Shrine, PlayStation Trophies, borders and a joke “exclusive experience.” It probably stands to reason that the Switch version of the game will also find some way to differ from both the PC and PS4/PS Vita versions of the game, however slightly.
You can watch the full Nintendo Direct stream in which this announcement was made below, or by clicking on this link.
- This article was updated on March 8th, 2018
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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Undertale is Coming to Nintendo Switch