Update 1.1.1 for Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts has arrived, and here are all the changes and improvements mentioned in the patch notes. The patch focuses on bug fixes mainly, but some other balance changes have also been introduced in the mix. Here is the complete list of patch notes for update 1.1.1 for Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts:

Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts Update 1.1.1 Patch Notes

  • Fixed issues that could cause inconsistent penetration or conditions that made it very difficult to have full penetrations against the citadel armor.
  • Improved aiming and fixed issues that could cause a different aiming experience for players with different pc systems.
  • Fixed a formation error that could cause the following vessels to be too fast and overcome the leader.
  • Fixed Shared Designs that were not able to be used in custom battle combat.
  • Fixed old custom battle bug which could make your finally selected ship to not be used in combat. Instead it was used the one you previously clicked in the design interface.
  • Fixed an alliance bug that prevented peace treaties to be concluded properly, so war was restarting in the next turn (This fix will temporarily allow making an alliance with a nation but not follow all its wars -an older bug that we will fix in a next update).
  • Fixed overweight 5-inch Mark 2 USA/China guns.
  • Fixed bug that caused an overweight Spanish 4-inch gun.
  • Minor stats fix for USA Coastal Defense ship.
  • Various minor bug fixes of the campaign.
  • Reduced refuel costs in campaign, as they would become too large when AI created large fleets causing its bankruptcy.
  • Normalized cost calculations for technology and transport capacity which depend on GDP. Now the costs will not become overwhelming for very rich nations and will help AI (and the player) to manage economics more efficiently.
  • Tension toned down to not cause very frequent wars.

Update 1.1.1 for Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts is available exclusively on PC via Steam. For more information on future updates and patch notes, head over to the official Ultimate Admiral: Dreadnoughts website here.