Developer Starni Games have officially released the visual-striking game Ukraine War Stories for Steam users. The title retells actual events that occurred during the early months of the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Each tale is told through eyewitness accounts that detail terrifying events from the civilians’ perspectives. It’s an interactive experience that features visual novels that were greatly influenced by actual photographed war pictures. Ukraine War Stories is available now, and it’s completely free.

Step Into the Shoes of Violence-Torn Civilians in Ukraine War Stories

Indeed, Ukraine War Stories is a free game, a gesture that Starni Games is committed to. “We do not try to profit from this project. Our goal is to share the recent experiences of the people of Ukraine with a worldwide audience,” according to the game’s Steam page. The goal here is to tell the stories and to spread further awareness while violence continues. In fact, Starni Games is currently located in Kyiv, Ukraine, where the fighting hasn’t stopped overhead due to the drone strikes. One team member actually had to hide from Russian forces as they invaded and looted his home. As a result, the snippet was used for the game’s development.

The game features three distinctive tales of war and struggle that are told across three different towns: Hostomel, Bucha, and Mariupol. Players are tasked with one thing and one thing only: survive and protect those who are close to you. Each story is text-based, with unique dialogue options to choose from when it comes to making tough decisions. You can take a look at some of the work that the team has accomplished with the first trailer for Ukraine War Stories, as seen above.

Ukraine War Stories is available now for free for PC via Steam. Additionally, the developer shows no interest in implementing any in-app purchases. Any interested Steam players can download the title now. As a side note, there’s also a Discord link for anyone who wishes to talk with the developers and/or show extra support.