In a not so cryptic tweet at the start of the month, EA Sports announced that more information would soon be revealed regarding the next UFC video game, cleverly titled UFC 4. Since then, we’ve discovered that the new title will release on PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on August 14th.

That’s not long to wait, and it’s also not that long to build hype. Thankfully, on that front EA has released a new trailer today for UFC 4’s Career Mode. Not only does the trailer show just how gorgeous UFC 4 looks, but it also delves quite comprehensively into what Career Mode will offer. As is the standard for career modes, players can take their fighter from the doldrums of the amateur league right the way up to title contenders. Think Rocky, but with more kicks and grabs. Interestingly, each choice you make is said to affect your fighters’ way to the top.

Take a look at the trailer for yourselves:

Obviously, should you want to make it to the top, you’ll need to train. In UFC 4 you can invite other, more professional, fighters into your camp. By doing so you’ll be able to learn various techniques and styles from them. As well as other fighters it’s important to get the fans on board. As shown in the trailer, players will be able to use social media to call out opponents and interact with fans. Want to be the best? Then you’ll have to get the fans to either like you or loathe you. I’d say that the villains are always more memorable.

Before we leave you to digest the trailer and watch it again, we can’t leave without giving a mention to Coach Davies. Coach will be there to guide your fighter to the top, through the good times and bad.