Battle Royales have been the game-defining genre for many years now. Taking on many forms and waves over time with PUBG is the first break-out battle royale game. Over time, that dominion has been shifted to multiple other developers and titles. Yet, while the war rages on for competitive battle royale games, many are falling by the wayside every day. With more saturation in the market, players start feeling disillusioned with the number of choices available. Over time it has shown through player counts, and unfortunately, Ubisoft has been on the receiving end of it all. Releasing Hyper Scape in 2020 to the genre already so full of other longstanding titles, the move was risky. Less than 2 years since its release, Ubisoft is ending development on Hyper Scape, shutting down servers in a few months.

A message regarding the future of Hyper Scape:

— Hyper Scape (@HyperScapeGame) January 27, 2022

Why Is Ubisoft Shutting Down The Hyper Scape Servers?

While the move to end development is interesting, the timing is vital for their announcement. Giving players just 90 days to round out their Hyper Scape game time, the servers will cease to operate on April 27th. While this 90-day window seems like a long time, there’s essentially very little for fans to do about this issue. Despite Ubisoft pushing out updates to make the game unique, the player base has still been unhappy. While intending to draw players in who dislike other forms of the battle royale, over-saturation can have the opposite effect of pushing people out. The social media team has also been dormant for quite some time. The Hyper Scape Twitter seemed to stop posting late last summer. While the game will remain online for another 90 days, the servers will come offline, and the title will eventually be delisted.