Ubisoft Singapore is, mainly known for working on Skull & Bones, was accused of unfair treatment and misconduct last summer. TAFEP launched an investigation about all these reports. The Ubisoft Singapore studio handled the allegations; accordingly, TAFEP addressed them.

TAFEP concluded its investigation by saying that Ubisoft Singapore’s structured system is in place to handle workplace misconducts reports appropriately. They noted that the company takes disciplinary action when addressed.

After the reports of misconduct from the investigation, Ubisoft Singapore replaced MD Hugues Ricour in 2022. Ricour continues to remain employed by Ubisoft.

Ubisoft employees strike back

The situation got worse after a group of Ubisoft employees started a campaign against the company that continued to “protect and promote known offender and their allies.” Thy employees also added that some would get more salary than others for unknown reasons.

The group called A Better Ubisoft released an open letter in the summer, asking Ubisoft CEO for “fundamental changes.” This letter received 1,000 signatures from staff. They added that the leader only gave them “empty promises” in more than a year.

TAFEP added that the salary difference in the company has reasonable justifications. Each job has different challenges, and according to them, the salary differences between each employee. Later on, Darryl Long, Ubisoft Singapore’s MD said:

Skull & Bones is the upcoming action-adventure game currently in development by Ubisoft Singapore. The game’s multiple delays won’t stop Ubisoft. Skull & Bones is planned for release during the company’s next fiscal year, beginning in April.