A Script is Announced, a Writer Rises!

The women’s TV & Film fellowship program which took place last year obtains Annabel Seymour who has signed a script deal with Ubisoft Film and Television. To where she has successfully secured a role in a feature film.

A working title “REPLAY” is a feature film that revolves around an unlucky video game reviewer, whose life takes a turn as her dating life can be controlled by the likes of a video game. While this sounds bizarre, the writer clearly has a way with words, due to snagging the deal with Ubisoft themselves.

Annabel has explained her intentions, as she states how she relates to REPLAY undergoing the women’s fellowship program.

She adds

The writer has had ties within other roles as well, showing off her experience within the field she has taken part in the making of the Duplicity existing on Netflix.

New Terms

In addition, the women’s fellowship has had a great run, seeking out writers around the world, Ubisoft has acquired what could be hidden gems towards their content. And more applications are open for the next one, with writers willing to get their hands dirty, Ubisoft is looking for new participants found here.

Likewise, the 2021 women’s fellowship will be facing some changes in regards to submission and the program itself. To where Ubisoft announces they are making the process more accessible, considering any aspiring women of; non-binary, trans, gender-nonconforming, and gender-variant screenwriters. While this is great for women looking to get into the said field. It allows for a diversity of writers who come together equally whilst working on a project.

The whole idea of the fellowship takes place to highlight women in all their glory. All whilst taking into account equality and diversity. The program takes place, so participants can express their writing skills, as well as demonstrating creativity. When the selection process conveys, two participants will be selected for a 6-month paid program. Allowing for ideas to be pitched to Ubisoft themselves.

With congratulations to Anabbell Seymour, REPLAY could be the nest staple in Ubisoft Film & Television IPs. Another two contestants will be announced at the next women’s fellowship. So get those applications in, as it could land you a role with Ubisoft!