Might & Magic Heroes is an ongoing strategy franchise, but it has always been a PC experience. When speaking to Ubisoft Paris’ Creative Director, Erwan Le Breton during a recent interview he explained a bit about the reason why we haven’t seen a console version yet.

When asked about a console version Erwan responded, “We’ve been discussing a console possibility for a couple of years now. Frankly our own team is not recommending it.” He went on to add, “We feel it would not be a satisfying console experience.”  That is a bit disappointing, but there is some light at the end of the tunnel for those hopeful to enjoy Might & Magic Heroes on consoles. Erwan went on to add, “Just porting it would be hard, making a Might & Magic Heroes console version that is designed for consoles would be okay.”

So there you have it, Ubisoft is not completely against making a console version of Might & Magic Heroes, but if they were to do so, it would have to b e more or less from the ground up for consoles. It makes sense since the mechanics of the PC version is meant to be played for hours, and is a more stategic affair. Console gamers may not like that sort of thing. For more Might & Magic Heroes, check out our Might & Magic Heroes VII preview.

  • This article was updated on October 30th, 2019

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Ubisoft “Discussing” Possiblity Of Might & Magic Heroes On Consoles

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