When you’re playing Two Point Campus, it’s extremely likely that you’ll get overwhelmed at some point. You’re managing an entire university on your own, after all! That’s why we’ve brought you our best tips and tricks to get you back on track.

Best Tips and Strategies for Two Point Campus

Getting the most out of a game can be hard when you don’t yet know much about it, and that’s especially the case with Two Point Campus. Here’s a couple of tips that we feel are simple yet integral to having a great Two Point Campus gaming experience:

  • Once you have the ball rolling, profits will start to come in. It’s easy to forget about them at first, since they are minimal, and you’re still busy with setting up your campus. But don’t neglect watching your profits! Forgetting to do this can make a small decrease in earnings turn into a swift bankruptcy before you know it. Note any downward trends to determine the cause; likewise, try to replicate actions that resulted in higher profits.Don’t be afraid to restart the game if you are not enjoying the current path you’ve set for yourself. Sometimes, you just can’t get in the right groove. And staying on the same course can make for an unrewarding and frustrating experience.

Decorating and Building Tricks

Decorating and building are at the heart of having a successful university management experience. That’s why we recommend using the following tricks to get the most out of your blueprint:

  • So this one might sound like we’re tricking you, but we swear we’re not. You should both decorate plenty, but not decorate too much. What we mean by this is that decorating and developing a higher Prestige is a good thing, but there is a limit. Make sure you are not overloading one space with tons of decor because it will stop compounding after being so crowded. Spread out your decor in a natural manner for maximum effect. When you start building, do not make gigantic rooms. These take up valuable real estate and will end up making other rooms having to settle for less space. Try and determine the appropriate size based on the needs of the room. Lecture halls will be bigger than bathrooms, but they don’t need to be as big as sports fields. Just like in Two Point Hospital, vending machines and other micro-equipment will be your best friend when you first start decorating. Vending machines and hand santizer dispensers in particular will boost student hygiene and happiness quickly. Be careful not to overuse vending machines at culinary-related campuses, though.

Best Strategies when starting Two Point Campus

Being a beginner in any game can be an uphill battle. Even if the game is a lot of fun, you can still find yourself frustrated by slow progress. If you’re just starting out and feel a bit frazzled, check out these strategies:

  • Become familiar with Two Point Campus and have a game plan of your next 30 minutes or so of gameplay. This might sound obvious, but some players are so excited to play that they don’t take the time to become properly acquainted with the game. Tutorials are boring, we know. But they really do benefit you in the long term and prolong your enjoyment of playing. Pay attention to modifiers and perks. For example, all staff will have a set of negative and/or positive effects that will alter their job performance. Looking these over will give you the best chance of utilizing staff efficiently. When it comes to needing more cash, be careful on deciding whether or not to take out a loan. This is because, while loans are not always a bad thing, they’re often a decision that is best made later down the line. If you’re nearing bankruptcy and you’ve just started playing, it’s better to restart and try again.

Best Tips for 3-star campuses in Two Point Campus

In Two Point Campus, 3-Star is the best score you can get per campus level. The score is highly sought after and gets harder to achieve with each increasing level. Use these prudent pieces of advice we’ve compiled if you want to increase your chances of achieving and all-star campus:

  • Running out of money/not turning a profit is where you will go wrong in Two Point Campus. Don’t think that having the prettiest campus or happiest students will get you three stars. This might only be true in the first level or two; after that, the cracks will begin to show. You cannot complete other objectives without money, so be conservative with your finances! Always know what you will purchase or build next. This will ensure that you always have something to do, but it also means you won’t make a rash purchasing decision that you’ll regret later. Pay attention to your students and campus. Take time out at your own chosen interval to do a check on all aspects of your campus. This includes Prestige Level, Grades, Relationships, Staff, and more. It’s much easier to fix a mistake ahead of time. To comment on the last point, you should always know your next move. That does not grow your campus quickly. You still need to take your time and purchase upgrades at a gradual pace.

How to complete Two Point Campus game quickly

Want to try your hand at some beginner speedrunning for Two Point Campus? Here are some quick tips and strategies to keep in mind if you want to finish the game, fast:

  • If you’re only going for a one star (or two, depending on requirement) on every lot, then throw out the advice about pacing your upgrades. You’ll still want to watch your budget, but don’t be afraid to quickly upgrade useful equipment and items. Small rooms are still useful when speed playing, but make sure to take the extra or minute or two at the beginning of every campus to plan. Stop and think of where you want rooms and why. This will get easier after you have played for awhile. Having a loose blue print will help you make quicker decision down the line Find extraneous aspects of your campus and cut them. This will increase your cash on hand to complete required objectives. If you have two extra lecture halls, you can remove at least one. Consider cutting back on the useless accessories and rooms. That being said, do not skimp out too much on prestige items.

Want to read more about Two Point Campus? If so, check out What are the Creativity Tools in Two Point Campus? on Pro Game Guides.