Are you interested in trying out Swery’s upcoming game The Good Life? The Deadly Premonition creator is currently still seeking funding via Kickstarter, and to help sweeten the deal, there’s a new prototype demo available for you to see if the game is indeed something you’re interested in playing. 

You can head over to the Kickstarter project to download the demo, which comes with a special PDF guide with details about the control scheme as well as three side quests you can take on. There’s also the typical jargon that the demo is a prototype, so you understand that there are bugs, unfinished segments, and other unpolished aspects that wouldn’t otherwise be in the final copy. 

Currently, The Good Life is sitting around $327,548 of its proposed $623,759 goal with just eight days left to go of its campaign. There isn’t much time left for the game to raise the funds needed so it can come to fruition, so if you’re interested in playing you should go ahead and make your pledge now. You’ll be able to presumably pick the game up on PlayStation 4 and PC if it ends up being produced. 

Swery hasn’t gone into what will happen if The Good Life doesn’t end up getting funded, but hopefully it does manage to pull the money out of the air somehow before the campaign is over. From the look of it, it’s a unique adventure that would be an interesting play, and we can always use more of that in this industry. Let us know if you’re planning on becoming a backer, and why.