Trek to Yomi is finally out on all major platforms, finally bringing the worlds of feudal Japan and spiritual Yomi together in a beautifully nostalgic action-adventure game. As the strong samurai Hiroki, it’ll be up to you to journey across various realms as you take on a variety of hostile forces and save those closest to you. As you head through your adventures, you’ll be forced to make various choices that define what you care about most. When it comes to those choices though, which should you choose and what will be the consequences? Well if you’re wondering, no need to worry. In this guide, we’ll explain which path you should choose in Trek to Yomi!

Which Path Should You Choose in Trek to Yomi?

In total, Trek to Yomi features three choices that veer down one of three paths. Either you can believe Aiko is all that matters at the end of the day, that your duty to protect your people is what’s important, or that neither matters and the only thing you believe in is fury and destruction. From what alone it should be obvious what’s good and what’s bad, though it’s important to note that the first two choices don’t affect what ending you get. The only thing they’ll change is a handful of lines from Hiroki, but the experience will mostly be the same.

What matters instead is your final choice, which will produce one of three endings. The first one, to believe your relationship is all that matters, will see Hiroki succeed against Kagerou though choose to not kill him. From there, you’ll return to Yomi to reunite with Aiko, for what is likely to be an eternity. The second, being your duty is all that matters, will see you execute Kagerou and then help your people rebuild, before teaching a new child the ways of a samurai. Finally is the fury ending, which sees you brutally execute Kagerou before bringing your people on to fight back against other settlements and bring them to ruin, essentially becoming the very man you swore to destroy.

Trek to Yomi is available on PC, PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X|S.