Our Treant Druid Deck List Guide features an early look at this potential archetype for the Descent of Dragons (DoD) expansion! We’ve got detailed information on mulligans, card choices and replacements. If you want to bring the pain to your opponent’s with waves of angry trees, this is the deck for you.

Treant Druid has flirted with being a strong deck for many expansions However, it generally loses out in favor of a more generalized approach that ends up only splashing some Treant synergy. Token Druid is usually the more successful archetype, but it’s possible that the batch of Treant cards in Descent of Dragons puts this deck over the top.

Treant Druid Deck List

Here’s a first look at a possible Treant Druid deck in Descent of Dragons:

We’re likely to see some changes to the archetype in the future, we’ll be updating this list and guide with more popular versions once they are revealed!

Treant Druid Mulligan Guide

We are just looking to get on board early to keep things clear enough to land our Treants and take advantage of the various cards we have that synergize with them.

Always Keep

  • Acornbearer
    • Strong early game card that can help protect the board and gives us some cards to play around with and receive buffs.
  • Power of the Wild
    • One of the best token cards around and it’s super flexible. It can be a minion when we need it, although we’re most likely always looking to get the buff onto our board out of it.
  • Shrubadier
    • Gets us a body on the board as well as an early Treant. This is 3/3 worth of stats for 2-mana which is pretty strong on turn two.
  • Landscaping
    • Gets us a couple of Treants on the board and can be combined with
  • Aeroponics
  • really easily. That gets us a card that draws us two cards for 1-mana!

Possible Keeps

  • Treenforcements
    • Only should be kept if we need a Treant right away. This is mostly just our next possible keep…
  • Dendrologist
    • Should only really be kept with Treenforcements, because we can follow it up and get immediate value out of it. It’s not just a free Spell card, it’s a choice of three spells, which is pretty solid and allows us to make a good decision now that we likely know what we’re playing against.

Play Strategy

This is an early to mid-game style of deck, so we need to focus on increasing our presence on the board as soon as possible. We’ll make good trades and try to be proactive with our plays. If we get an early board lead, we can look to use something like Power of the Wild to buff it up and hopefully prevent losing out to a big AOE. If we’re against an aggro deck, we can look to spread out our board more so than if we’re playing against a control deck.

Hearthstone Descent of Dragons Deck Guides Coverage

  • How to get Doug and Margaret to visit in Rune Factory 5
  • Pure Paladin Deck (Lightforged) – Descent of Dragons
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  • Galakrond Rogue Deck (Updated!) – Descent of Dragons
  • Dragon Highlander Mage Deck (Updated!) – Descent of Dragons
  • Galakrond Priest Deck – Descent of Dragons
  • Dragon Warlock Deck – Descent of Dragons
  • Dragon Paladin Deck – Descent of Dragons

As well as buffing our board with stats, we also want to use something like Soul of the Forest to protect against board wipes. Don’t always look for a full board to use this card on, just hitting three minions is sometimes enough to carry us and keep the initiative on our side. Treespeaker is another good example of one to use earlier than you might think.

Try as much as possible to combine Aeroponics with at least a couple of Treants on the board so you can get the big discount. It works well with Landscaping , and you might even be able to get it out early.

Goru the Mightree is a new addition from the Descent of Dragons. We’ll want to get this out as soon as we can to get buffs on our future Treants. Being able to follow it up with The Forest’s Aid is the best case scenario. This is especially because even if our opponent can clear the first board full of Treants, we’ll be able to follow it up with another batch. We can also follow up with a low cost Mulchmuncher that can deal with something on our opponent’s side of the board.

The name of the game is to pressure our opponent repeatedly with Treants and wide boards. Even if they can deal with some of these boards, we’ll usually have enough additional resources to continue to pressure them until they eventually succumb to it.

Card Substitutions

Here’s where we’re going to find a lot of our Treant synergy. There’s actually quite a few cards that could work in this type of deck, but some are more likely than others.

  • Mecharoo
    • A pretty standard addition to Token decks. This list could end up veering away from full Treant synergy and use more token based cards.
  • Dreamway Guardians
    • Another solid token option that can help trade on board and restore some health if we’re taking a beating. These are also really good for receiving buffs.
  • Witchwood Apple
    • It fits the deck theme, but it’s really slow. We don’t want to be spending our turn two doing nothing but draw cards and not increase our board state.
  • Wrath
    • Solid removal with the potential to draw a card out of it.
  • BEEEES!!!
    • Decent removal and can also get us some tokens.
  • Blessing of the Ancients
    • Pretty cheap buff for our board that we can use again the following turn if need be!
  • Swipe
    • A core option in most Druid decks that can clear boards if we’re lucky.
  • Cenarius
    • One of the very original choose one cards and Treant producers! It’s very high cost, so I am doubting it will see play, but it is an option.