Toy Soldiers: War Chest just might have found the perfect thing to spruce up the old, and honestly generic, gritty war game: Unicorns and teddy bears. That’s right, the series that took the word Soldiers in their title really seriously with their original title, bringing us a pseudo-WWI action, war game is now taking the other word in its title more seriously: Toys. Not to be confined to conventional warfare, Toy Soldiers: War Chest will introduce three new armies to battle with the Kaiser’s troopers.

Two have yet to be announced, and you can be sure to find out right the instant it gets announced here at AotF, but the army that is making the headlines is none other than Starbright’s unicorns, ponies, pixies and buddy bears.

That’s right, if you’ve ever wanted to mow down a bunch of pixies and unicorns with a machine gun, you will be able to do so very soon!  The armies will be customizable and upgradeable as you play the game to fit your style of gameplay. Speaking of the gameplay, the classic tower defense mode where you place towers and have the ability to control them or a hero during the melee has been confirmed with “new exciting game modes” to be announced in the near future.

Until we find out more, we can always put on our thinking caps and try to guess what the themes of the other armies are. My guess is one will be some sort of spacemen or alien themed army and the other one is dinosaurs. That would be pretty cool.

Toy Soldiers: War Chest is planned for release some time in early 2015 on PS4, Xbox One and PC.

  • This article was updated on March 8th, 2018

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Attack of the Fanboy / GAME NEWS / Toy Soldiers: War Chest – First Look

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